Huntington Beach Sues California for ‘Protecting Dangerous Illegal Aliens’

Once again Huntington Beach is working hard to protect the people of its community.  We know that illegal aliens bring crime with them.  We know that cause overcrowding of hospitals and school. ““Since California began passing sanctuary laws in 2017,”

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Student athletes sue Sonoma State University, CSU over plan to scrap all intercollegiate sports programs

California is a mess.  Its government colleges and universities are about to get a minimum of 8% cut.  Then you have the UC system that will lose billions due to its promotion and acceptance of Jew hating, harassments and campus

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BPA announces intention to split with California and join new Southwest energy market

Even power suppliers are fleeing California. “The nonprofit federal administration that provides one-third of the Northwest’s electricity is preparing to part ways with its current Western energy market and sell its excess energy to companies and electric cooperatives as far

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Hochul admin says NY prison strike over, fires thousands of guards who refused to return to work

Is the Governor of New York turning into a Republican?  When Reagan was President the Air Controllers went on strike.  They did not show up for work and he declared they quit, and replaced them.  In New York there is

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San Diego Cartels/Gangs Excited About Marijuana Tax Hike—MORE Business for Them

The drug cartels and street gangs in San Diego are very happy.  The city council is about to raise the tax on store bought marijuana.  That means street corner marijuana—same as that bought in the “legal” store—is now even cheaper. 

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