HEARD ON THE TOM/TOMS Stephen Frank, California Political News and Views, 6/21/21 BIG STORY There is discussion of a new congressional seat in the Kern County or the southern part of the Central Valley. Two people would be the contenders
Author: Stephen Frank
8 Foolproof Ways To Protect Yourself From Being Canceled By An Angry Mob
Protect yourself from the Cancel Culture. Follow these instructions carefully and you will live a dull enslaved life. Think for yourself? No more? Want to learn? You will be told what you need to know. “7. Hang a BLM flag,
Stimulus, unemployment checks help child support debt collection hit new high
The way the COVID “stimulus” checks worked in California ai is bizarre. In many cases it was not used to the cost of daily living. Instead the money went to the State, which then gave it as child support payments
Progressive Meltdown: White Stripe in Flag Represents “RACISM”
The Progressives have gone fully mental. Now they are claiming the white in the American flag represents racism. I guess they forgot that mostly white men fought to end slavery, under the American flag. Were it not for the heroism,
Gavin Newsom Silent as Nation’s Highest Gas Tax Rises–Again
Thanks to a bill passed by the Democrats in 2017, every July 1, from now to eternity, the gas tax will go up in California. And, the legislators can honestly say they did not vote for it—this year. “Californians already
Three Cheers for the MSNBC Employee Unionization Effort
Glad to see radicals take every chance they get to kill they own jobs—instead of killing ours. Now that MSNBC is unionized watch the employee count go down to finance the new pensions and pay levels. Lets see if the
With Juneteenth, Federal Employees Now Get 44 Paid Days Off Each Year
Thanks to Juneteenth “Holiday” Federal Employees Get NINE WEEKS of Paid Vacation. What more can I say? Federal employees get a total of 44 days off of work a year—that is NINE weeks. We work 52 weeks a year so
Aquila: What “White Privilege”?
There are very rich people of color and very poor white people. Immigrants of all colors came here with nothing and build a life, a family and became prosperous. Color had nothing to do with it—persistence, hard work and learning
Jackasses step forward: Rep. Ted Lieu and pals ‘dare’ Catholic bishops to deny them communion
Ted Lieu is a self-proclaimed Catholic—who opposes the basic tenets of the Faith. Now he has decided he is more important that his Priest or the Bishops. Though a Member of Congress, he wants to set policy for the Catholic
Elder: Father’s Day: Fatherlessness Is America’s Top Domestic Problem
Poverty and crime, drug issues, dropout rates, slums have all grown in the black community since the Great Society created by President Johnson. It took fathers out of black homes, it took real jobs from the community, forcing folks to