Prager: Why the Left Has to Suppress Free Speech
If people had the opportunity of hearing all sides of an issue, folks would be able to make up their own minds. If they are not allow to hear all the facts and opinions—then are told the other side is
Left Calls for ‘Army of Citizen Detectives’ to Monitor & Report Trump Supporters
Like in Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, Cuba and China, there is a move to create an Army of “citizens” to snitch on their neighbors. Have too many people at your home? Call the police. Think some is out an
Under Newsom, California sees population decline for first time in more than century
Our chicken have come home to roost. The scavengers of government overstated our population by 400,000. Why, so they can give away more tax dollars. In fact we lost, per the Census Bureau, 70,000. Other real time estimates show it
California Health Official Orders ‘Pause’ On Moderna Vaccine Lot
So far 50% of health professional in Riverside, 40% of L.A. firefighters and 20-30% of the California health professionals are refusing to take the vaccine. I have asked what do they know we don’t. Now we know. “In this public
Op-Ed: Canceling Keystone XL Pipeline is a gift to China and Russia
You get what you pay for. In this case the Communist Chinese and a wealthy Russian gave millions to the Biden family. Now Biden has decided against keeping America oil independent. So he is ending the Keystone Pipeline, tens of
Bialosky: Biden’s First Act is Economic Insanity
I agree with my good friend Bruce that the Harris/Biden $1.9 trillion is terrible for the economy—even the CBO notes that the raise in minimum wage will cost over one million jobs. But, Bruce, this is NOY the worst economic
Twitter REFUSES to Ban Alex Baldwin for His Call to HANG President Trump
I have pretty much stopped my use of twitter—they have by their inaction condoned the hanging of President Trump. Soon I will deactivate. I will not deal with violent hatemongers. From Alex Baldwin, “On Friday, at the start of the
Los Angeles City Councilman Mike Bonin Claims Police Union to Blame for Layoffs when LA Cut $150 million from the Police Department: Makes Sense, Right?
There is a nut case on the L.A. City Council. he voted, and got passed a cut of $150 million from the police department—in the middle of a growing crime wave. Now, he is complaining that crime is growing and
San Clemente City Council Struggles Over Keeping Public Records Secret
Laura Ferguson ran for San Clemente City Council, partially on a Platform calling for transparency. The City Council censured her for the crime of asking that the city government be transparent and the public has the right to see documents
EGADS! NYU Prof Attributes Black Trump Support to ‘Multiracial Whiteness’
When the mentally challenged Joe Biden told a black men, “if you do not vote for me, you ain’t black”, some tried to take it as a joke. He was NOT joking. Now we have a professor, a racist of