After Spending $550 Million, Over 70 Percent of Los Angeles County’s Project Homekey Homeless Rooms Vacant

Government is theft.  Government is incompetence.  Government is mismanagement.  Here is more proof. “Project Homekey, California’s COVID era emergency housing program, was supposed to change all of that. Governor Gavin Newsom directed $3.5 billion in emergency federal COVID relief funds

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Governor likely to sign proposals to ramp up “builder’s remedy” and undermine local self-certification

Gavin Newsom does not believe in city or county zoning and permitting rules.  Like a dictator, he wants the State to control where homes are built in Maywood, Taft or Berkeley.  This so-called “builders remedy” is merely his effort to

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LA Faces the Real Homeless Numbers Ahead of 2028 Olympics—Report Uncovers Crisis

There is almost nowhere you can go in Los Angeles that the homeless have not taken over and ruined.  Does anyone really believe the government numbers.  Everybody, Left and Right, KNOWS government lies. “While LAHSA found the daily unhoused population

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Los Angeles Faces Quadrupling Utility Rates: Alternatives Could Save Angelenos Billions

Living in Los Angeles is already unlivable.  The energy policies of the DWP will increase the cost from $7 billion to $28 billion.  That makes L.A. financially unlivable.  Some alternatives might save a few billion.  But the future of L.A.

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Stein: It’s time to follow the Navy’s 50-year Safety Record of Nuclear Power Generation

Want clean, cheap and safe energy?  Nuclear power is the way to go.  As of 2023, nuclear provided 20% of America’s power supply. “The nuclear power systems developed for the Navy have functioned well for five decades. All commissioned U.S.

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