Eber: Dealing with the Homeless
Homelessness is the major issue facing the State of California. Newsom is blaming the cities. The cities are blaming the State, the Feds and the courts. The only action is ginger pointing. “As a gold medal sport, contestants would sit
Fraudulent $48 BILLION “Housing” Bond Pulled From Ballot
Every day a new scam involving this ballot has come to light. No one knew it was going to be for FIFTY YEARS. Normally a $20 billion bond would cost $40 billion, including interest—this one was going to cost $48
California lawmakers resurrect controversial bill allowing early release for some felons serving life without parole
To California Democrats a prison sentence of life without parole for murder actually means 25 years. In the future that could also be cut down to 10-15 years. “After being shelved for nearly a year, California lawmakers in the Assembly
L.A. Mayor Already Promising to Ruin 2028 Olympics in Los Angeles
Imagine Los Angeles without cars. The Marxist Mayor of Los Angeles, Karen Bass, is going to do that for two weeks in 2028 during the Olympics. Then, she will say that since it worked out so well, lets keep the
Californians: Your rent may go up because of rising insurance rates
Inflation, caused by government policies and actions is catching up to renters. “Many insurance companies have stopped writing policies in the state because of increased wildfire risks, but that’s not the only reason. They say in the case of any
California District Allows 12-Year-Olds to Transition Without Parental Involvement, Denies It/LIES
Thanks to Sacramento Democrats and Guv Newsom, teachers are allowed to LIE to parents. Now we find that Administrators of school districts have no problem lying to the media and the public. Want to learn how to lie? Go into
Personalizing the California DOOM LOOP—Auto Insurance UP 54%
The State government is deep in debt. Counties and cities are deep in debt. The November ballot will include bond and tax increases NORTH of %150 billion—that is taxpayer debt. Food, gas and housing cost much more. Even auto insurance
San Jose school districts forced to consider campus closures
No students should mean closed schools. But that also means fewer union dues payers. It means less political clout. So, why not lose money, as long as you get money and political power. “Berryessa Union School District (BUSD) in North
Fascist Fauci PROVES Masks and Vaccines DO NOT WORK
This is all you need to know about the fraud and corruption of Anthony Fauci: “In a video interview back on July 30 that went viral on Monday, Fauci told Dr. Jeremy Faust that despite being vaccinated to the max; he still
Toilet Paper and Flat Tires — People Ignite Most Wildfires through Carelessness
Finally, the truth from the State of California. Climate Change has NOTHING to do with the forest fires—the culprit are the humans. Yet, hundreds of billions are being spent on this scam, to protect us from fires. Human are the