IID approves potential hefty payments for farmers to not grow hay in hot months
How do you raise the cost of food, reduce tax revenues, decrease jobs and end the agriculture industry? A California government agency has found the answer. “Farmers could be paid not to make hay while the sun shines, per a new Imperial
The Free-Market Rejects EV Mandates
Real people vote with their feet or their money. That is why productive people are fleeing California—and those who know have stopped buying EV’s. “CARB rules comprise regulatory committee rulings and executive orders from California Governor Gavin Newsom and have
In Oakland, the crime chaos gets worse
Want to visit a real war zone? You do not have to travel to Kiev or Gaza—go to Oakland. “Cops came — nine hours after the first call was made and only after video of the pillaging attack was posted
‘Excruciatingly slow’: Delays in workers’ comp payments harm firefighters, frustrate therapists
This is how Newsom helps those in need—he doesn’t. In fact, he makes life miserable for these folks. “No. Because California’s therapists know that taking on a patient in the state’s workers’ comp insurance system means that it could be
Mayor Bass literally WANTS people to live on the streets in L.A. She is a good Marxist.
“A new report unveiled at the Los Angeles City Council meeting earlier this week found that the city impounded 555 vehicles in which homeless people lived in while only offering shelter to 186 in the past two years, going directly
Hoping to reduce Colorado River dependency, Southern California bets big on wastewater recycling
Newsom and the Democrats are allowing millions of acres’ feet of water to flow into the ocean. California is about to lose approximately one third of its Colorado River water allocation. No new dams or water storage facilities—but we did
SFUSD braces for looming “enrollment cliff”
Policies and politics have consequences. San Fran city government is $790 million in deficit. Crime is unabated, families and businesses are fleeing. The schools are failures and the parents are voting with their feet. The government schools in San Fran
Sacramento to Take 21% of Water From Redding—Rest of the State Also to be Deprived of Water
In the 1970’s I became friends with a San Fernando Valley Assemblyman, Bob Cline. He grew up in San Fran and then moved to LA. He taught me a lesson about politics—“If you control the water, you control the population.”
In California, government controls wages and benefits for fast food joint. That is an abuse of power. The government is using lawfare to arrest and chill the actions of American citizens—even jailing them for refusal to comply—that is an abuse
Electricity use would surge under California’s new climate plan
Great news!! Newsom has a new climate plan! Of course he does not explain where the energy will come from to run the State, families and businesses. But he does have a plan for the scam called “climate change.” I