Push to let noncitizens vote in this California city hinges on 7 words
The November ballot in Santa Ana is going to include a measure to allow illegal aliens, law breakers who under the law are to be deported, will be allowed to vote for city council, school board and city ballot measures.
Adam Carolla says he’s leaving ‘horrible’ California, pans ‘sociopathic’ Newsom: ‘Slippery eel of nothingness’
How well is California run? How safe do you feel about your physical and financial security while living in California? “Carolla recalled interviewing Newsom in 2013 and how he stumped the then-lieutenant governor for suggesting only Black and Hispanic residents
Californians With No Driver’s License Or SSN Can Use A Credit Card Or Gym Membership To Vote
California has corrupt elections. Those in charge, Secretary of State Weber, is allowing the voting rolls to be filled with criminals from other nations. “In California, voters with no government ID can still vote so long as they show a
San Fran office-vacancy rate just inched to a new record high
San Fran is showing the DOOM LOOP continues. “San Francisco’s office-vacancy rate inched up to another record high of 37% in the second quarter of 2024 while showing signs of “stabilization,” including rising demand for office space, according to preliminary
Walters: California’s self-inflicted fiscal crisis produces a budget full of gimmicks and favors
We passed a budget—we, being just the Democrats. But that does not end the story. Now there will be a trailer bill to pass billions in new taxes. Then in August, the Democrats will add to the deficit by restoring
DOOM LOOP Expanding in Oakland
Many years ago I stayed the Oakland Hilton by the airport. A nice place. Now, thanks to crime, this hotel is being closed. “No reason was given for the Hilton shutting its doors, though there have been several restaurants, including
Automatic voter registration in California takes a step back
Every once in a while we get good news from Sacramento. An effort to do a massive voter registration of illegal aliens has been stopped—for the moment. “Senate Bill 299 by Sen. Monique Limón would have changed the current “opt-out” system of voter
California Ballot Measures for November
As of today these 14 measures will be on the ballot. There is still a couple of days for some to be added, like school and water bonds—and to be negotiated off the ballot, like the housing proposal. The California
10 Commandments Democrats Have Approved For Display In Public Schools
We have Pride flags, BLM flags and other flags in the classroom. Now, Louisiana has decided to put the Ten Commandments in every classroom. The Democrats are going to fight back—who needs moral and ethical values they claim. So below,
Did you really think the radical PBS—which propagandizes against freedom, the Constitution and the rule of law—wants what is best of America? “Qatar, the oil-rich gulf monarchy that harbors Hamas and other terrorist groups, has used a number of conduits