Stein: We have, can, and must continue to adjust to climate change – and not kill billions.
This is the reality of history and science: “Earth’s climate has changed many times over four billion years, and 99.999% of those changes occurred before humans were on this planet. During that short time, humans adjusted their housing, clothing, and
California Mandates Trains That Don’t Exist
How dumb and vicious are the government agents in California—they are mandating diesel engines that do not exist. Of course current trains engines are still in great condition and could last for decades. Instead, government is mandating an engine that
As rail plans advance, fears grow that property will be taken
Government takes it does not give. What it does give, first it had to take. The rich, liberals of Palo alto are now finding out that being rich, voting for Progressive Democrats does not prevent government from stealing from you.
San Fran is worst-run city in the United States, study finds
Is anyone surprised—except New Yorkers, that San Fran is the worst run city in America? You will also note, at the end of the article that only three of the best run cities are in States controlled by Democrats. “”I’m
Heat Wave Sets Off New Round Of ‘Climate Crisis’ Lies
Any excuse and the fear mongers will tell you the Earth is about to melt. All we have to do is stop living, get rid of cars, cans, work and prayer. “Every tornado season, we hear about how climate change
These cities have a new tactic to evade California housing laws. Legal experts are dubious
Become a Charter City in California and avoid the totalitarian housing mandates of the Destructive Sacramento Democrats? “The late April opinion from Los Angeles County Judge Curtis Kin held that a 2021 state law letting homeowners split up their houses into as many as four
Sepulveda Pass Transit: Metro Calls $5 Billion Cost Increase a Refinement
Schwarzenegger and the Democrats lied to us about the high speed rail. It was to cost $33 billion and be completed from LA to San Fran and Sacramento by 2022. Now it will cost north of $200 billion and if
DeSantis Announces Reparations Program Of Lower Taxes, Less Government, Less Murder, Endless Sunshine
While this is satire, it is a great idea. Reparations for everyone! Lower taxes, less crime, smaller government. This helps people of all colors—and with lower taxes you get more economic activity—and HIGHER revenues. The Reagan, Clinton and Trump tax
This article is a good start to the needed debate on issues facing Americans. While the ballot has people running for office, they are running based on public policy positions. If the people vote on policy, not personality or Party,
California Voters Sour on New Bonding Measures, Poll Shows
The Ventura County Board of Supervisors wanted a $400 million affordable housing bond. So they did a survey to see the support they have. The survey showed 75% of registered voters in Ventura County OPPOSED any new taxes or bonds.