NYT columnist admits ‘something has gone badly wrong’ in West Coast states because of Democratic leadership

Seattle, Portland Oregon, San Fran, Oakland and Los Angeles are open war zones.  Between the crime of criminals and the socialism of the officials, these towns are dead.  Go to any of them at your own risk.  All are on

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San Fran DOOM LOOP Grows: Two SF tower projects face troubles amid weak downtown economy

Thanks to being in San Fran, a project to build 850 housing units has been cancelled.  The SF DOOM LOOP is growing. “A Hines-led joint venture has let die an option to develop one publicly owned property in the South

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California ranks bottom third in overall child well-being, per new report

Not only can 11 year olds get married in California, but the government schools tell them their gender—not biology, but via ideology.  Want to teach hate—government schools are doing that.  What the dumbest kids in the world—many of our schools

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