I’m Sure People on the Edge of Homelessness In Lahaina Think It’s Nice POTATUS Wants to Rebuild Gaza

Joe Biden just spent $400 million and put our troops in danger by building a pier in the war zone known as GAZA.  He has also promised billions to rebuild the terrorist HQ of GAZA.  In Hawaii, the people of

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SF Mayor’s Bid to Raise $25 Million for Pandas Spurs Skepticism Amid Budget Crunch

San Fran has a deficit of around $800 million—this year, more next year.  Crime and drugs are everywhere.  Illegal aliens and the homeless control the streets.  It schools are failures and deep in debt.  Yet, the Mayor of San Fran

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Thousand Oaks merges three departments into new Cultural and Community Services Department

Money for government is limited.  But government has grown with every perceived need.  The Ventura County city of Thousand Oaks is realizing this and is focused on saving money, having fewer personnel and not creating more fiefdoms. “The City of

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USAC freezes transfer of funds to endowment until UC divests

It looks like the Hamas/Nazi’s have control of student government at UCLA.  No surprise.  This is the campus that ALLOWED a “NO JEWS ALLOWED’ policy enforced by storm troopers—and the UCLA administration allowed this—with NO arrest or expulsions. “The Undergraduate

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