Heading Off a Fiscal Cliff: How Are OC Cities Planning For Budget Shortfalls?
Even Orange County is in deep financial trouble. Watch as city after city, school district after school district propose new bonds, sales tax increases, fees and permit increases—while cutting basic services. “Most cities in Orange County receive the lionshare of
San Fran Has Only Agreed to Build 16 Homes So Far This Year
Newsom is demanding 82,000 NEW housing units by 2030 in San Fran. So far this year, the city has approved less than 1,000 new units—and that does not count the number of units DESTROYED to build these. “Hannan added: “So
Reform California chairman Carl DeMaio slams proposal mandating illegal immigrants be hired for taxpayer-funded state jobs
The California taxpayer is going to finance illegal aliens. At the same time, the taxpayers will take jobs away from honest American citizens, giving those jobs to criminals from foreign countries. “If passed, Assembly Bill 2586 would provide state government
Santa Clara County Government Schools could lose millions if Newsom changes law
For years the government schools of Santa Clara County have been STEALING from Charter Schools. Now, thanks to Guv Newsom, they have to pay up. “That could happen under a law change that Gov. Gavin Newsom wants approved to tackle
Rep. Ro Khanna convenes 100 tech leaders as he warns of defections to Trump and the GOP
The Democrats are in trouble. Silicon Valley. Mostly Progressives and Libertarians, have been financing the radical Democrat Party for years. But now they realize the Democrats are out after them. NVIDIA, the AI firm, is now under investigation by the
Anti-Shoplifting Bill Passes California Assembly with Most Democrats Not Voting
Did you know there is a PRO CRIME CAUCUS in the State Assembly? On a recent bill to make penalties harder for shoplifting, 32 DEMOCRATS refuse to vote. While the bill passed, we now know that 32 Democrats vote for
English class shortage at CCSF pauses paths to degrees
San Fran government schools are failures. How bad? Graduates of these schools need remedial reading to get into City College of San Fran (OJ Simpson became a football star here). “A lack of introductory English courses at City College of
Berkeley library tax measure requested to appear on November ballot
Somebody needs to tell the people of Berkeley about a new innovation—THE INTERNET. At 3:00am on a Sunday morning, the library is closed, but the Internet is open to all questions and information. While the library may have a book
Another LA Metro bus driver threatened but LAPD never responded
LAPD has a nickname, “Keystone Kops”. A bus driver is threatened, police notified—but they were busy avoiding doing their job, possibly eating donuts instead. “The Metro employee called her supervisors with about 20 passengers in the back of her bus,
California clean energy project threatens thousands of protected Joshua trees: reports
I love watching anti-science Progressives fight among themselves. But, in the end, regardless of which side wins, we the people LOSE. “Last year in June 2023, the Globe reported: UC Berkeley/LA Times Poll Claims “Californians Fear Worsening Weather Swings Due to