Will electric vehicle mandate be a roadblock to safe commutes for California farmworkers?
Newsom and the Democrats have demanded a shortage of electricity in California. At the same time, they are demanding the use of ONLY EV’s. So what happens when, in the middle of summer, those EV’s due to a blackout, cannot
Gavin Newsom and teachers union resolve their budget beef
Gavin Newsom needs the teacher’s union if he wants to be the Democrat nominee for President. So, he will give them anything they want, even as it bankrupts California—and students get Third World education. “The Democratic governor’s previous plan would
Here Are The 3 Biggest Findings In Florida’s Grand Jury Report On Covid ‘Wrongdoing’
As we have witnessed during the recent Fascist Fauci congressional hearings, COVID was mishandled. Contrary to the mandates of Fauci to force people to take the vaccine—it never prevented COVID nor did it stop the spread of COVID. His excuse?
UCLA med school DEI leader accused of major plagiarism refuses to address allegations
Have you that those involved in promoting DEI area plagiarists? Is it possible this fraudulent, racist scam attracts failures and corrupt people? “Natalie Perry, the leader of the Cultural North Star program at the UCLA School of Medicine, and UCLA
A CBS News Report From Over 40 Years Ago Proves Global Warming Is the Ultimate Hoax
The biggest scam in the history of mankind started more than 40 years ago. This scam has made multi-millions out of scammers like Al Gore and Greta Thunberg (the Jew hater—high school drop out) and caused tens of trillions to
Eber: No goldfish left behind
This column is a satire on government waste and stupid welfare programs. We should be grateful Governor Newsom has not come up with the idea of Goldfish Bereavement Leave (GBL) yet. The bad news is that California’s leader has more
Professor Accuses UCLA of “Torturing” Pro-Palestinian Protesters
Students who were vandalizing UCLA decided to go into a school building. Then, they claimed they were being starved by the administration and cops, because no food was being delivered to them. Of course these idiots only had to leave
Newsom unveils plan that would hasten insurance-rate reviews — and increases
Gavin Newsom finally realizes that the high cost of home insurance is causing people to be unable to afford buying a house. So, he is taking decisive action. “A proposal to fix California’s insurance crisis would require the insurance department
California Setting Up It’s Next Energy Disaster
Thank you Gavin Newsom. His quest to close down California with high taxes, high cost of food and gas, limited water and energy is working. “Working with Senator Nancy Skinner and the Legislature to pass SBx1-2, this new law creates
We have to do less with less’: Cal State faces extra $500 million budget gap
Good news. Indoctrination, racism and sexism in our colleges will have less to spend on the corruption anti-education movement. “But if Newsom’s May budget update becomes law, Cal State would face a three-year operating deficit of $831 million through 2025-26