Florida’s top education official says public school closures a tradeoff for school choice
Closing schools in Florida is good news for quality education. It is parents choosing the best school for their child—not government mandating failed schools. ““You’ve seen these reports of some districts having to close schools — that’s how this works,”
California’s fiscal watchdog sees positive signs in deficit reduction
Great news—“deficit reductions” are a positive sign. Of course, there will be few deficit reductions. Money will be taken from the State Reserves—and then from the reserves of over 200 State agencies. Expenditures will be move just ONE DAY—from this
Blue line getting thinner in West Coast states as police take refuge in Idaho
Do you want to be in law enforcement in California? This is where the DA’s and AG are going after cops, for arresting criminals and stopping crime. “”They come to Idaho where they can enjoy their career and make a
Democrats call having honest regulations for all the nation a “war on California”. Instead, it was President Trump protecting Californians from a totalitarian regime that was trying to bankrupt the former Golden State. Once in office, the cabal of Biden
Black affinity housing’ is not ‘segregation,’ U. Washington says
The KLAN IN TAN no longer oppose segregation. But, they know that is a bad word. So, they created a euphemism for segregation—BLACK AFFINITY. This is what the Little Rock, Arkansas schools did—they did not segregate black children, instead they
UCLA medical school paid first-year students to write left-wing course requirements
Every day we find out how racist the UCLA medical school has become. It is officially called the Geffen School of Medicine. They should add to that, “RUN BY THE KLAN IN TAN: “In documents obtained through a public records
Every senior at Oakland high school accepted to four-year colleges
Who says minorities can’t learn? Only the white liberal racist who demean black people every chance they have. Give a good quality education, based on educational needs and kids will succeed. Create a racist curriculum, expect kids to fail and
School choice programs have been wildly successful under DeSantis. Now public schools might close.
In Florida, it is the parents that decide the education venue for their children, not government. Not surprising, even in a great State like Florida, parents prefer non government education. The better point is that this forces government schools to
Newsom Hopes to Delay Minimum Wage Boost for Health Care Workers
Today is the date that Newsom really wanted. He created a minimum wage for gift shop workers and others at PRIVATE hospitals and mostly exempted government hospitals. The goal? To kill off private hospitals. Now he knows that will add
Businessman reveals plan to flip California House seat as these top 2 issues take center stage
Thought you should see a possible GOP retake of a congressional seat. Now all we need is for volunteers and financing. Do not blame government for the problems we have if you have not helped elect a GOP’er to Congress.