Itzler: Is There a Doctor Jill in the House? (Satire)
I like good humor. Sadly, while this is listed as satire—it is very close to the truth. “JILL: I like doing some things around our Delaware house. For example, when our daughter Ashley comes for a visit, I always make sure the shower
California Republicans push Newsom to suspend gas tax increase
Californians pay, on average, $153 MORE per gallon of gas than the national average. On July 1, the gas tax will go up. And, in early 2025, thanks the CARB, an added 47 cents tax will be added. Yup, by
Newsom’s latest budget proposal falls $7 billion short, LAO says
California has an almost $80 billion deficit. By stealing from Reserves, changing dates of expenditures by ONE day, and other manipulations, according to the LAO, Newsom is still $7 billion short of a balanced budget. That is the good news.
Half of UCLA Med School Students Fail Basic Tests Thanks to DEI Push
If you are an American who can not get into a quality medical school, you have a couple of choices. One, you could go to Grenada and enroll in their medical school—or if you are not qualified for a decent
We have a UNIPARTY in the United States—Progressive Democrats and weak Republicans. The good news is that the GOP is moving in the Trump direction of populism and Constitutional government. When he is re-elected in November, America, especially the GOP
Caldwell: Covid “Cure” Really Was Worse Than the Disease
We now know that Fascist Fauci and his crew PAID for the creation of the COVID virus. We know they lied about it. We know they lied about masks, social distancing, the closing of schools and churches. And we know
Santa Ana City Council Sued for Effort to Bias Ballot to Approve Noncitizen Voting
Imagine a city where the deciding votes in an election are cast by law breakers? That is what Santa Ana may do. The November ballot has a measure to allow lawbreakers to vote for school board, special districts and city
Biden’s plan to mandate electric vehicles in combat will greatly weaken and undermine the US military.
For thirteen months I drove an M-60-A1 tank—all 52 tons of it, at Ft. Hood Texas. It got 300 miles to a tank full, of 302 gallons. Now Biden wants to turn the military vehicles into electric vehicles. Imagine in
Is Another $1.2 Billion Tax Increase Justifiable?
Gavin Newsom has an $18 billion tax increase built into his new budget. Biden is promising trillions in new taxes (by ending the Trump tax cuts). Now Los Angeles is looking at increasing taxes by $1.2 billion. At what point
Tax revenue underperformed in 18 states–California Worst in Nation
One of the major reason California has a real deficit of about $80 billion is the plummeting of tax revenues—while increasing spending. “When tax revenue in the second quarter of 2023 was compared with 15-year trend levels, adjusted for inflation