California Assembly Passes Apology for Slavery, Despite Entering Union as ‘Free State’

About 170 years ago the California legislature acted stupid.  But today, Sacramento Democrats want to give billions in reparations, free homes, free college and no payment of either property or income tax.  Of course to do that, the State would

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Billionaires Trying to BUY Support From Non-Profits for New City for the RICH in Solano County

A few multi-BILLIONAIRES have decided that since they own so many companies, vehicles, mansions and planes they wanted something special.  They want their own town!  So to get support that are buying off the non profits in the area. “As

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NY Times: Populist Working Class Opposes Neoliberal Mass Immigration

Throughout the nation real people, the middle class have been harmed by illegal aliens imported by Joe Biden and the Democrats.  Crowded hospitals, billions meant for honest citizens going to criminals from foreign nations.  Schools swamped with illegal aliens, not

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