Heard on the Tom/Toms Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 5/21/24 www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com Steve Hilton: Real World Fixes to California Problems Steve Hilton leads a California Think Tank, Golden Thought. They just published a document with 45
We can all speculate who Trump will select as VP nominee. If I had wishful speculation, I would say Congresswoman Greene has as much chance of being selected, as my first choice for Biden to be selected as his VP—AOC.
Stein: Questions the debate moderators need to ask Presidential Candidates about America’s energy plans.
Under Trump, America was energy independent. We were SELLING energy to foreign nations, creating tax revenues and jobs for America. Under Biden, we must buy a lot of foreign energy—in fact, our oil purchases are actually FINANCING the Russian War
‘No more room’: As homelessness spikes, SF changes rules on housing access
As San Fran spends more to help the homeless, the more homeless this city gets. This is more proof the city is on a Doom Loop. “San Francisco is experiencing a dramatic surge of homeless people and families seeking housing
California ranks last in opportunity due to cost living: U.S. News
This is what Gavin Newsom has done to California. Want an explanation of why we are in a Doom Loop? “proposed taxes could raise gas prices an additional $1.11 per gallon by 2026. The state’s energy is more expensive than any state’s other than
Why Los Angeles has America’s most unaffordable housing
This is why the middle class is fleeing Los Angeles—and the middle class can not move to L.A. “A report from Creditnews Research found that a married couple earning the median income of $117,056 in Los Angeles cannot afford an average home
California Squatter Warning Issued
Squatters are trespassers, thieves and vandals. Why haven’t the local police moved in and arrested these criminals? Calling them squatters is a misdirection, these are criminals, treat them as such. “And while squatting is technically illegal in California, those living
California university president put on leave for ‘insubordination’ after meeting Gaza protesters’ demands (Then Resigns)
The day after he was suspended for violating California law, the president of Cal State Sonoma resigned. This is the right thing to do. But the Board of Trustees should not have suspended him for violating the law—they should have
Biden Removes Hamas Ally Cuba from Blacklist of Countries That Don’t Cooperate to Fight Terrorism
Cuba is a supporter of terrorism. Has been since 1958 when Castro took over. But President Biden needs the support of the Progress like Maxine Waters who considers Castro her hero. So, he takes Cuba off the terrorist list. Next
‘NO Climate Crisis’ Says Coalition of 1,600 Actual Scientists
This is what we need to know. We need to know we have been scammed, like we were with the COVID scamdemic, to spending trillions and ruining our families and economy. ““There is ‘NO Climate Crisis’ says a coalition of