Public school choice exists in California, but few districts offer it
Choice is good. It is the law of the State of California. But unions have made it clear, the law be damned. “With enrollments dropping statewide – and projected to continue – districts could view District of Choice as a
UCLA Cancels Openly Racist Med School Lecture
The good news is that an openly racist lecture was cancelled. The bad news is that the bigots and racists that planned this are still being paid by California taxpayers. Why should we pay for Nazi’s and Klan members to
Washington Farm Bureau: California green train mandate ‘entirely unworkable’
Newsom and the California Democrats are killing off the trucking industry by forcing it to go all electric. There is not enough money for freight companies to buy trucks costly 2-3 times that of gas/diesel powered trucks. Worse, if you
Why the ‘Math Equity’ Movement Is a Scam
Is your child being taught racist math? “Basically, the contention is that the way math is taught is racist and is producing inequality. One guideline for equitable math instruction contended that it’s “white supremacy” for teachers to demand that students “show their
Reparations rift? California’s Black lawmakers divided on how far to go
Lots of proposals for “reparations. Release all prisoners who are black. No property or income tax. Buy a house for everyone. Erase all criminal records. FREE college for blacks (we already do that for Native Americans). “Assembly Constitutional Amendment 7:
Ring: Two Visions for California’s Future
California is in a Doom Loop. New minimum wage regulations killing off tens of thousands of jobs—and stopping the creation of many more. Government schools are failures, government is controlling water and energy supplies and costs. We have the highest
California School Assignment Calls Gavin Newsom a ‘Champion for People’s Rights’
Like a dictator, Gavin Newsom is using government schools to promote himself as the Supreme Leader. “History and civics classes may be designed to help students understand why their country considers certain people important and worthy of respect, but usually,
Republican National Committee has filed 80 lawsuits in 24 States in re: voting rolls and election laws. California NOT one of them
The Republican National Committee has filed 80 lawsuits in 24 States in re: voting rolls and election laws. California is NOT one of them. Our CRP chair said that “California elections are fair and honest”. So, the RNC is unable
Eber: Keep the 99 Cent Store Open
I will admit it—I shopped at the 99 Cent store. Great prices on a few staples. Most canned food, bread, eggs, milk and other daily items are the same. Buy at Safeway, Von’s or 99 Cent and you get the
Newsom Policy Releases Illegal Alien Sex Offender to California Streets
Gavin Newsom is doing all he can to increase the crime rate in California. He is even putting sex offenders who are illegal aliens back on our streets. At what time will a victim sue Newsom and California for conspiracy