Los Angeles secures $900M in federal funds to improve public transit ahead of 2028 Olympics
LA is using the Olympics as a scam to get Federal taxpayers to finance a money losing, crime and disease ridden government trains and buses. In 1984 L.A. held the Olympics. During that time the streets and freeways were empty.
Mod Pizza closes 5 California locations as $20-an-hour minimum wage law takes effect
This is now a daily story. Somewhere in California another franchise fasr food place is shutting down, thank to Gavin News and his Sacramento Democrats. Who wants to risk their own money when government is controlling the wages, benefits and
Heath Flora Assembly Frat Office and Fundraising Party Scheme
A few years ago, with the help of seven members of the GOP, the Assembly passed Cap and Trade—a billion loss to families and business via the selling/buying of phony credits for something that does not exist. One of those
Feds report about $2.7 trillion in improper payments in two decades
Government is theft, we all know that. But few knew the massive mismanagement, incompetence and corruption of government. ““Since fiscal year 2003, federal agencies reported about $2.7 trillion in total improper payments,” GAO said. “In FY 2023 alone, federal agencies
California housing permitting collapses 45% from 2022 to 2023
The good news is the collapse of housing permits. Why is this good news? It shows that folks are fleeing the State and no longer need new housing. The shortage is in affordable housing—and government is spending billions on that,
Newsom, legislature to move on $3.6 billion cut to fight deficit 20 times bigger
Thanks to the $20 minimum wage, fast food places are getting fewer customers, employees are being fired—and then taking unemployment checks. Investors are no longer investing in government controlled restaurants and crime is forcing businesses to close. The current owners
California fast food franchisee slams new minimum wage, invests in Nevada over six-figure loss
I have previously written that investors will stop financing fast food places in California. Who wants to put up their own money to have the government control wages, benefits and working conditions? Here we have a San Fran pretzel and
Feds report about $2.7 trillion in improper payments in two decades
Government is theft, we all know that. But few knew the massive mismanagement, incompetence and corruption of government. ““Since fiscal year 2003, federal agencies reported about $2.7 trillion in total improper payments,” GAO said. “In FY 2023 alone, federal agencies
Eber: A difference in style
California is now past it Socialist policies. It is going full Marxist. Sacramento controls fast food places. High taxes. Bad schools. A bill by Assemblyman Haney would PROHIBIT managers and business owners from contacting workers via text, email or phone
The Depersonalization of Reporting
Modern journalism is not journalism—it is advocacy publications. Facts, truth, common sense are no longer permitted at the Times, NBC or the Washington Post. All act as if they were Biden version of Pravda. “Reporters – not journalists – spent