California lawmaker looks toward removing Native American terms from school mascots, team names
California schools have on average a 30% absentee rate. Our test scores are among the worse in the nation. Algebra is no longer to be taught—in its place will be “equity” algebra—because math is white supremacy. School districts are losing
Is California’s assault weapons ban on target?
California is a war zone. The criminals have guns and law enforcement is afraid to use theirs. The attempt to ban “assault” weapons is based on folklore, not facts. “But there is not universal agreement that California’s gun laws actually
CalChamber Releases 2024 Democrat Job Killer List
Democrats hate success. They hate workers and families. Most of all, they hate private businesses. This is a very partial list of Democrat bills to kill off the economy of California and force families into poverty. For instance: “SB 1434
CA Ban after-work emails and calls? Tech bosses say you might as well ‘ban startups’
Sacramento is telling fast food places who much they must pay, benefits to be given and working conditions—that is socialism, government control over business. Now they are attempting to tell business owners and managers when they are allowed to call,
The Story Behind the Sticker Shock: 5 Pricey Affordable Housing Projects
Affordable housing is the scam to get tax dollars for expensive housing for the well connected. “The plan: 100-unit, five-story housing project with one-, two-and three-bedroom units and commercial space at a Metropolitan Transit System bus stop Outside funding: Seven sources including
‘The Population Bomb’ was wrong: The world now struggling to make more babies
We were told in 1973 that by 2000 the world would have wars over food. Just an early example of scare tactics to promote bad policy. China went to a one child policy—now facing the loss of over half its
California’s Fast-Food Minimum Wage Hike Could Spell Trouble For Public Schools
Government exempted themselves from the $20 minimum wage mandate for fast food workers. “California’s new minimum wage law, which took effect Monday, guarantees a wage of at least $20 an hour for workers at fast food chains with 60 or
UCLA Med School Requires Students To Attend Lecture Where Speaker Demands Prayer for ‘Mama Earth,’ Leads Chants of ‘Free Palestine.’
Gavin Newson is anti-Semitic. Period. He is a member of the Board of Trustees of the UC system and Governor of California. Yet he is silent about a terrorist supporter speaking on the UCLA campus, promoting hate for white people,
California Edges Closer to Flat-Rate Charge for Electric Grid to Promote Clean Energy
Newsom and his PUC is playing with us. They are changing, by the day, the rules on the cost of electricity. One day it is by income—the more you make the more you pay regardless of how much you use.
For terminal patients, dying in California may get easier
Newsom and the Democrats can not kill enough babies, so now they are going after the adults. “Introduced in March by a first-term lawmaker — an attorney with a background in estate planning– the proposal would enable people without a