Fast-food companies seeing low-income diners pare orders
Watch as fast food places go the way of the buggy whip. Foster Freeze in Lemoore just shut down—owner could not afford the government mandated wages—and soon to be added additional benefits and control of working conditions. Pizza Hut fired
Stein: Greta Thunberg is the poster girl for the ignorance of elites who are using the products they want to ban.
Greta Thunberg is a high school dropout. She has become a multi-millionaire by imitating the Al Gore scam on climate. “Recently, Ms. Greta Thunberg, the Swedish environmental activist, scolded the world’s leaders by exclaiming “How dare you?” in reference to their
Fast food workers blindsided by sudden closure of Fosters Freeze in Lemoore
This happened in Tulare. It is going to happen in your neighborhood as well. “In a text from Loren Wright, he stated that he couldn’t survive the mandated wage increases: I tried to the end to try to figure out
Was Newsom trying to punish California’s fast-food counties with that wage hike, same as his beach lockdowns?
This is an interesting thought. Newsom abused his powers by closing down some beaches and kept others open. Now is he doing the same with fast food joints? “What are some of those communities going to look like once the
Progressive Democrats say services, not penalties, will cut crime
When murdering someone, stealing from a convenience store or invading your home, think the criminal is thinking, “gee, government can provide me with job training and more food stamps.”? The Left has no common sense. Think the rash of illegal
Democrat House candidates in rural California rake it in
It looks like, even before Adam Schiff pours millions into these races, Central Valley Democrats are doing well in the fund raising department. That means the GOP ground game has to be the best possible. Our incumbents will be outspent.
California’s Electric Truck Fleet Mandate Also Applies to Out-of-State Companies, Prompting Lawsuit
If Iowa farmers want to sell their produce in California, under new California State law, they must ONLY use electric vehicles. Of course, that means buying very expensive, 2-3 times the cost of diesel trucks, expensive recharging costs and lost
Must Read—Pass On: Website Shows Cost of Living for Grocery Products Under Biden
Must Read—Pass On: Website Shows Cost of Living for Grocery Products Under Biden Stephen Frank, California Political News and Views, 4/3/24 This is a website you need to pass on. It shows, when you check a box, how much
Garvey effect: Schiff’s strategy sunk down-ballot Democrats but could lead to more GOP losses
For months the California Political News and Views has been reporting that a Schiff vs. Garvey Senate race would be a massive advantage to Democrats, nationwide. We were right. Schiff is raising money, not for his race for Senate, but
Bait-and-Switch Tricks by Government Aren’t Just for April Fool’s Day
Government in California is corrupt. They steal from the taxpayers by lying about the purpose of bonds and tax increases. Here is one example: “Measure B, Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority: In 2016, Santa Clara County voters approved a sales tax