San Fran reparations effort stalling due to money, legal issues, experts grill city for apology: ‘Not enough’
San Fran is dead broke. Productive people are leaving as soon as possible. That does not stop the new extortion industry, Reparations. From trying to get money from the broke, soon to be broke and those fleeing the city before
The Empty Storefronts of Downtown San Fran
One third of the stores in downtown San Fran, per the city, are empty. In fact, it is closer to 50%. Need more evidence that San Fran is in a Doom Loop? It grew population by about 1200 in the
Caldwell: The Holy Heresy Reparation Shakedown
Watch this movement grow. “On the eve of Holy Week, the Boston Globe reported that a group of clergy members called on “white churches” in Boston to back reparations for the trans-Atlantic slave trade. “We point to them in Christian love to
Gov. Gavin Newsom: How to Destroy California in Less than 10 Years
In 2018, Jerry Brown signed his last budget, for $139 billion. › news › jerry-brown-final-budgetJerry Brown Takes Victory Lap As He Signs California Budget Jun 27, 2018 · SACRAMENTO (AP) — Gov. Jerry Brown will took a victory lap Wednesday when he signed a
Bialosky: Everybody is Innocent
If you are a criminal, under California law, if you claim bias—real or imagined—you get special treatment. “Then in 2021 another act was passed and signed by Newsom. From the website the bill’s author (Assemblyman Ash Kalra) stated, “Yesterday, AB
Audit report finds $1.2B backlog for street maintenance projects in San Diego
San Diego has been on the financial edge for years. Instead of fixing the problem, they defer projects and needs. Now the city has $1.2 billion backlog for street maintenance. At a 3% inflation rate—though California is higher, that means
California judge advances price-fixing suit against landowners in walkable city case
A secret group of billionaires decided to create a new city. Quietly, they bought up a plot of land here, a plot of land there and eventually they owned 50,000 acres. The folks that sold to them at the beginning
The Great Replacement? As Americans Flee Blue Counties, Illegal Aliens Move In
We were called nuts by claiming the Biden policy was to replace Americans with illegal aliens. Now the numbers are in and once again the media and government have conspired to lie to the American public. “But we realized there
The die is cast. In 220 days America will choose between Trump or Biden for President. Trump with his record of prosperity, security and openness vs. Bidens record of economic despair, wars and censorship, using the FBI and CIA as
US union membership rate hits fresh record low in 2023 -Labor Dept
Good news for freedom. Fewer workers are paying extortion to get a job. The bad news is that more government workers pay the bribes—and work for unions, not government or the people. “The increase in union members was entirely the