Traffic Lights and Roundabouts
This is an interesting article. It shows so called climate “models” are as phony as a three dollar bill. “Cambridge Dictionary: Obfuscate – to make something less clear and harder to understand, especially intentionally. So, how can I simplify the picture?
He’s parked in his driveway for a decade. San Fran fined him $108 for doing it.
San Fran is dead broke. Worse, it has hundreds of millions worth of deficits. Each of the next three years will add $30 million a year to that—at a minimum. The city needs money. So, if you park incorrectly in
San Fran workers consider strike
The unions in the dead city of San Fran are saying if they do not get their way, they will go on strike at the end of June and close the city. That may be a good thing. The city
Nearly all school parcel taxes pass, but mixed results for school bonds in March election
The voters of California are beginning to understand that government schools are miseducating and misspending our students and money. Just in Ventura County, the Community Colleges are looking a bond of up to $1.5 billion—with interest, $3 billion. Simi Valley
Biden is Corrupt: Took Donation, Then HIS DOJ Dropped a Lawsuit—Then GAVE $50 Million Grant
We know Biden took money from the Ukraine after extorting them to fire an honest Attorney General. He took money from Communist China and Russia. But he is an equal opportunity crook. He will take pay for play money from
San Jose charter school closes as Bay Area districts face declining enrollment and million dollar budget deficits
Another example of the collapse of government schools in California. Our cities, counties and State are in a Doom Loop, now the schools have joined them. “More than 200 students at DCP Alum Rock High School, a small charter school
Jon Stewart found to have overvalued his NYC home by 829% after labeling Trump’s civil case ‘not victimless’
Jon Stewart LIED about the value of his home to get a loan. Why hasn’t NYC DA Bragg or the NY Attorney General James getting a Grand Jury to indict him—and James to steal his home? “To further his point,
Heard on the Tom/Toms Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 3/28/24 LAGOP MEMBERS: NOT TOLD ABOUT REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, LOSSES ON FUND RAISERS OR MONEY IN BANK AND AMOUNT OWED. CONSIDERED MUSHROOMS We are now, or
Eber: What you gonna to do about me?
While driving around the State I listen to Fox News and music of the 50’s and 60’s. Bob Dylan is my favorite poet/singer. In one song he says, “if you got nothing, you got nothing to lose”. When you listen
More California fast food chains announce changes ahead of minimum wage hike
Thanks to Gavin Newsom, thousands of low paid people have gotten a raise. That is good. At the same time thousands have lost their jobs and the cost of fast food is skyrocketing—a Super Star at Carls’ Jr. is no