Neither NCAA or Government Owns Athletes as if they Were Slaves
According to the NCAA, student athletes are chattel. They are owned and controlled by the schools. The NCAA did not like the idea of student athletes being able to make money. Scholarships and stipends, kept the students in poverty—as if
California Unemployment Payment System: “Structurally Insolvent”
For more than thirty years the Democrats have controlled the Legislature. For almost thirty years the Democrats have controlled the Governor’s office (I include Arnold as a Democrat). They are responsible for the fact the State has had to borrow
California Students Getting Smart: Want Education/Avoiding Indoctrination and Racism
Little by little California students are getting smarter. They realize that going to a college, spending $100,000 or more on a worthless degree—hoping the Democrats will cancel the debt—is not a means to a good life and successful career. “A
California Reservoirs Get Good News About Water Levels
Not even Gavin Newsom can stop the rains from filling our water storage facilities. But he can stop expanding the facilities. He can demolish four current dams. Newsom can force water needed for people to instead flow into the ocean.
Is Democrat Assemblyman Mike Gipson a Secret KKK Member?
The KKK is very clear, you must discriminate against people because of their color. Democrat Assemblymember Mike Gipson has a bill demanding State Boards give licenses based on race. Like the Klan, Gipson is a racist, a member of the
Black Professor: Biden supported by Racists—Like Taylor Swift
You can’t make this up. In 2020, Taylor Swift, known for great songs about her break ups with men, supported Joe Biden for President. It is expected she will again this year. BUT, a black professor “exposes” her and her
Santa Barbara Say NO to Tourists That Come by Cruise Ship
Like San Fran and LA, Santa Barbara is collapsing. The famous State Street has no cars, few customers and looks like a San Fran street. Tax revenues are declining, homeless and illegal aliens are increasing. So to make things “better”
Simi Valley Unified School District: $487.5 in NEW Bonds/Ventura County Community Colleges–$1 BILLION in New Bonds
Simi Valley Unified School District: $487.5 in NEW Bonds/Ventura County Community Colleges–$1 BILLION in New Bonds Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 2/24/24 The Ventura County Community Colleges are requesting a ONE BILLION DOLLAR BOND.
9 California races that could decide the battle for the House in 2024
This is important. A great analysis for November. Keep this close. 9 California races that could decide the battle for the House in 2024 By Sahil Kapur, Bridget Bowman and Alexandra Marquez, NBC, 2/22/24 LOS ANGELES — This fall, California is widely expected
McCarthy financing Super PAC behind attacks on Boudreaux, Wood vs. Fong
If you donated to Kevin McCarthy congressional PAC’s, expecting to defeat Democrats, you got took in a gigantic bait and switch. “The Central Valley Values PAC has spent more than $419,000 on mailers and digital advertisements in support of Fong