Hundreds of San Fran criminal cases dismissed after years of delays
San Fran is a war zone. One reason is that the DA uses excuses and laziness to assure arrested criminals they do not have to go to court—or jail. “Carroll’s case is one of 705 misdemeanor cases that as of
Forget the National Debt – Most of America’s Big Cities Are Broke
The National debt is over $34 trillion. California has a debt of over $73 billion. L.A. and San Fran will hit the one billion mark in deficits. School districts are breaking. Bottom line? Government in America is dead broke—but making
Adrin Nazarian is Bad News For LA City Council
You can almost get a quorum of the L.A. City Council by going to a prison conference room. So many are in State or Federal prisons. Here we might have the next convict. “HYPOCRISY MUCH? NAZARIAN’S BROKEN PROMISE TO UNIONS
YTD Box Office down Nearly 50% from Pre-Pandemic Levels
Hollywood is committing suicide. The movies are expressions of radicalism, sexism and are political instead of entertaining. ““Through the first three days of Presidents Day weekend, films that have been released widely in theaters have grossed $764.1 million, down 15%
CA120: Primary could have historically low turnout
Why vote? This is a Uniparty State—our “best” candidate for the Senate dodged the draft, refuses to see his children and grandchildren, forged checks, had to leave Utah due to the large number of lawsuits against him for refusing to
California watchdog predicts deficit will grow to $73 billion
By the time we get to June 30, the California deficit will be close to $100 billion. Note that the revenues of the State went down by $5 billion. But the expenditures continued to go up. This is what happens
Teacher Who Criticized ‘Woke Kindergarten’ Put on Leave by School District
How do you stop people from telling the truth? By punishing them and making life hard. “Craven-Neeley was told via a video call that he was being put on leave and ordered to turn in his keys and laptop, he
Heard on the Tom/Toms Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 2/21/24 All of this was in the recent CPNV article, “Steve Garvey: L.A. Dodger/Draft dodger or Both” You will note that nowhere in his bio
Fleischman: Who’s minding the store at the OC Department of Education?
Is this proof that Orange County does not need a Superintendent of Education? “An extended version of this scenario is playing out right here in Orange County with Mijares’ conspicuous absence from Orange County School Board meetings. If one were
Shoplifting reports in LA skyrockets, new study finds 81% increase
Graffiti is up 300% in L.A. Now, thanks to Prop.47 and a DA that protects criminals, shoplifting—that is reported—is up 81%. Most shoplifting is not reported, since store owners and managers know government is protecting the criminals, so why waste