Did you think government would tell the truth? The same government that steals property via eminent domain, lies about crime. “Yet CDCR’s press release asserts that this is “the second year of data showing the effects of the passage of
Descendants of Black entrepreneur call on Santa Monica to return family’s land
Eminent domain is the legal method for government to steal land. In this story, land that was stolen from a black family is being asked to be given back. But, that is racist. ALL land stolen by government vis eminent
California Lawmakers Take On AI Regulation With a Host of Bills
Sacramento is a flurry with bills to control AI. They are yelling, ranting, claiming they will save us from AI. What a joke. All the bills in the world will not stop AI. Years ago the same people tried to
Klamath Dam Removal: ‘It’s an Environmental Disaster’
Gavin Newsom, using the money meant to BUILD water storage facilities is taking down dams—and in doing so killing fish and a river. “Haupt said the sediment plume extends 2 miles into the ocean. And he and local residents are
The same government, Democrat controlled Sacramento wants to run our health care—with NO private doctors or hospitals. These same people run the DMV. “A SENIOR citizen has called out the California DMV for their nonsensical license renewal test. June Meyers,
California Democrats Introduce Bill That Would Force Homeowners and Renters to Disclose Number of Firearms to Insurance Companies, Government
When you buy a gun, you must register it. So, why do the Democrats want to mandate renters and homeowners duplicate that by forcing them to also notify the insurance companies. Think about it—this is not at the request of
Stein: Are policymakers oblivious to the importance of crude oil, or are they intentionally sending us back to the 18th century?
If Gavin Newsom had his way, you would be not be cooking. He opposes the burning of wood, he opposes the use of oil based gas stoves. He is closing dams, so hydroelectric power is limited. To Gavin a hot
San Fran Admits First Non-citizen to Elections Board–Ends Honest Elections
San Fran elections are now in the hands of criminals from foreign countries. People who have violated our immigrations, laws, folks who under the law are supposed to be deported, are instead going to determine the validity of our elections.
Eber: Climate change as a religion
I am not sure that folks like Al Gore, Greta Thunberg, Gavin Newsom are part of a cult or belong to a religion. Rational thought is not part of their thinking. They have come to the conclusion that society is
Hollywood’s Last Gasp Is Through Desperate Streaming Mergers
Like California, Hollywood is dying. Bad movies, ideological scams pretending to be entertainment. Crazies like Rob Reiner and the panel on The Views—Hollywood is committing suicide. “Streaming will not save Hollywood. Unlike cable/satellite TV, streaming is merit-based. We only subscribe