San Mateo becomes only county in California where you need to earn more than $500K annually to afford a median-priced home
You really have to be rich to live in Mateo! “$518,400 – that’s how much you need to earn annually to afford a median-priced home in San Mateo County. In neighboring Santa Clara County, you need $468,000. Higher borrowing costs
California’s ‘Ambitious’ Offshore Wind Goal Seen as Unachievable
You can make laws—that does not mean you can enforce them or find the money and deny the science to implement them. “The California Public Utilities Commission has just mandated that the state build more than 56 gigawatts of clean
Parts of downtown LA seeing 300% increase in graffiti in recent weeks, officials say
Crime, at every level is exploding in the Los Angeles war zone. Carjackings, assaults, smash and grabs—crime is a vocation that has no controls. ““Significantly so,” Besten said. “In some districts, triple the amount of graffiti calls for service. Our
Minnesota School District Allows Muslim Families to Opt Out of LGBTQ Curriculum
Simple question: Why can Muslims opt out of pornographic, non scientific indoctrination in schools—and Christians and Jews can’t? “First Liberty Institute and True North Legal today announced that the St. Louis Park (MN) public schools are allowing several Somali American
LA Times poll: Half of U.S. says California declining, 30% of Democrats say ‘too liberal’
There is a real disconnect. If 30% of the Democrats believe California is in decline, then why do they continue to elect the most regressive, fascist candidates for office? “Half of Americans say California is in decline, with more than
Folks, it’s bad,’ says Merced County’s sheriff on staffing issues, public safety
California, from San Diego to the Oregon border is a war zone. “In an almost 10-minute-long video posted to social media on Thursday, Sheriff Vern Warnke and Undersheriff Corey Gibson detail the problems being faced by the Merced County Sheriff’s Office.
Caldwell: The Disparity Between Public and Private Workers
Two ways to get rich today. One, go into tech and develop AI. Or go into government—great pay, great benefits and fantastic pensions. Real workers’ pay for government workers. “In 1982, per capita income in the county was $59,649. Today,
Inside California’s Progressive “Dark Money” Machine: How Democrats Move Union Donations
Most folks do not understand how money operates in the political arena. Most think of donations to candidates. Nobody realizes that those who are extorted into paying union dues, have their money used to harm their community, their family and
‘Run by the Mob’: How Anti-Semites Took Over Stanford’s Campus
Want to see Jew hating in action? Go to the Middle East, go to a Democrat Party meeting—or go to Stanford, run now by Jew haters. “On January 24, Stanford University held a forum on combating anti-Semitism. The event, which
L.A. City Council wants to incentivize larger apartments
Government needs to stay out of the housing market. The more they mandate building affordable housing, the more expensive housing gets. The more regulations they have. The more expensive the housing unit. Force solar, end the use gas, and the