Santa Ana school board votes in favor of massive teacher layoffs
Finally, one school board sees the bankruptcy ahead if they do not act responsibly. Enrollment is down, scores are down, education has failed. Neither the State nor the Federal government is going to bail them out. Santa Ana school board
She defied COVID rules and lost her restaurant; now she’s suing Long Beach seeking millions
Fauci lied and American died. Fauci lied and businesses died. Fauci lied and people were harmed. Glad to see this lawsuit against Long Beach for lying about COVID and killing a business. Now we need numerous lawsuits directly against Fauci
California Rep. Kevin Kiley says he’s ‘not happy’ with leadership as government shutdown looms
Glad to see a California member of Congress speaking up as GOP’ers and Democrats work to close down government. Of course, since only 6% of D.C. Federal workers actually go to work, would anybody notice if they stayed home along
Debt trends for state and local governments 2020-2022—California Is Over $200 BILLION
Congrats to California we OWE over $200 billion—plus hundreds of billions in unfunded pension and health care liabilities. At the same time, for the sixth straight year, Newsom is running a massive deficit. “We hope to provide valuable insights for
Loss of Undocumented Workers Sends Shockwaves through Tech Suppliers
Wow—employers are going to shocked when they lose law breakers as workers. They are upset that the taxpayers will no longer be financing illegal aliens, so they can have low cost workers. “Jabil Inc., a major manufacturer of electronics components
‘Yellowstone’ Actor Neal McDonough: Hollywood Looking to Make More and More Faith Films
Hollywood is about money. It has no values other than making a profit. The WOKE movies have lost billions. Now, with the Trump victory, the Progressive/Socialists of Hollywood will start making movies about FAITH. These movies in the past few
California ports partnership pushes offshore wind plans forward
Newsoms’ commission is giving permission for offshore wind turbines to dot the ocean, kill the fish and harm the whales. Sooner rather than latter the lawsuits will start. Then the lawyer friends of Newsom and the Democrats will make lots
California Public Utilities Commission approves SDG&E rate hikes for gas and electric
Newsom is raising the gas tax by a total of about $1.20. Workers comp costs are going up. More projects are being delayed for environmental studies—meaning higher costs. We still owe over $120 billion, if we complete the train from
Celebrity Piggy Bank Scandal: How Taxpayer-Funded Pandemic Relief Programs Became a Cash Grab for Hollywood Musicians
During the election the Hollywood celebrities wanted higher taxes, bigger government, more special interest spending, racist programs and billions spent on illegal aliens. Now we find out why. THEY had been scamming the taxpayers and getting lots of money from
University of Southern California student-run newspaper to print less with unpaid staff
Looks like the student journalists at USC are learning the realities of modern media. Newspapers are being shut down or reduced in pages or days printed. “The staff of the Daily Trojan, the student-run newspaper for the University of Southern California,