Why many colleges are giving more credit for learning outside the classroom
If you have the ability, experience and skill to do a job, why waste time and money at a government college to get a worthless piece of paper? “Keeney’s expertise in nuclear theory and practice was valued enough that she
Oakland City Council Sends Sales Tax Increase To April Ballot
Oakland has a massive city and school board deficit. Businesses are leaving as fast as possible. The city is cutting back on police, so crime is growing. Now the city wants to raise the sales tax, making the city less
Red Flag Parking Restrictions Enforced in Los Angeles
This is how mentally ill government has become and no one is willing to laugh at this law/joke. How bad is climate change? In Los Angeles if the wind gets too strong, the red flag is flown and you can’t
Nancy Pelosi Profited as Luxury Napa Resort Won COVID-19 Bailout
Of course, San Fran Nan profited from COVID spending for an investment she has in a Napa Resort. How did you think she got filthy rich being in Congress? “The Auberge du Soleil investment, held for decades by Paul Pelosi,
A Luxe Sleeper Train Will Soon Connect San Francisco and Los Angeles
I have a hybrid car and can drive to San Fran in six hours—the cost is about $40 for the tank of gas. How much do you think a 12 hour train ride, with sleeping accommodations and a bar will
Billions of dollars later, California’s homeless crisis persists under Newsom
The more Newsom spends on a problem the worse it gets. Spend more money on government education and the child flee the failed schools. Raise gas taxes and the roads get worse. “The Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority, created by
Newsom Says With Another $25 Billion He Could Double Homelessness By 2030
No matter how much you give Neesom for the homeless problem it will get worse. The only winners are the special interests, non profits with their hands out and vendors over charging. In fact, Newsom can not account for $24
Not Only Is LA Dirty, Its Crumbling Sidewalks Reflect a City in Crisis: An Ongoing Series into Failing Systems
Los Angeles is a mess. From homeless encampments everywhere, to illegal aliens squeezes Americans out of jobs and housing, bad roads, corrupt government, this is a town that is looking like Calcutta, not an American city. “In December of 2016,
California’s PG&E secures $15B loan from Biden administration. Critics call it a ‘bailout’
The good people of Iowa and Florida, well run States, are going to pay for the failures of Gavin Newsom and the Sacramento Democrats. They created bad policies, refused to clean the forests, got gigantic fires. That caused high insurance
San Fran’s Sky-High Office Vacancy Rate Declines Slightly, In Sign of Possible Turnaround
Wow. The office vacancy rate in San Fran went from 34.5% to 34.3%–a big caused for celebration among those not facing the reality of the DOOM LOOP killing off San Fran. In little ways and big ones, like getting rid