Top California Democrat: Rescind Newsom’s call for US constitutional convention

In 1787, just after the ratification of the Constitution a State requested another Constitutional Convention.  That request is still on the record.  Since then, more than 34 States have called for a Convention, based on different issues.  So far, seven

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California’s jail population will rise thanks to Prop. 36. So will inmate deaths, advocates say

This article makes it a bad thing to make Californians safe.  The Progressives are afraid that more criminals will be in jails, meaning fewer on the streets.  Since the passage of Prop. 47, we have had a jump in crimes. 

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UC Riverside ‘DEI Guardians’ Persecute Professor for Objecting to Racial Hiring Preferences

Add UC Riverside to the List of RACIST California Government Colleges At UC Riverside, unless you support the KKK and Progressive racism, YOU are a racist. “Diversity, equity and inclusion proponents are not very inclusive of anybody who disagrees with them.

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Stop the ‘green hallucinationists’ plan to close all 200 coal power plants.

The globalists have a policy.  Not to make every prosperous.  No, they want every nation to be poor. “Right now, China already has a total of 1,142 operating coal-fired plants  and is building six times as many coal-fired power plants

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