Gov. Newsom has said that mental illness is a serious problem. VP Harris has said we need to get help for the growing mental illness problem. Here is an example of a mentally ill individual who sees the KKK behind everything.
“The “1619 Project” author and former New York Times writer who believes America was built on racism started a Twitter controversy with the claim that the practice of tipping waiters, waitresses, bartenders, or apparently anyone else whose livelihood depends on an extra 15-20% for good service is racist. Tipping is a legacy of slavery and if it’s not optional then it shouldn’t be a tip but simply included in the bill,” Hannah-Jones, who tweets under the handle “Ida Bae Wells,” wrote late Monday. “Have you ever stopped to think why we tip, like why tipping is a practice in the US and almost nowhere else?”
Remember, the mentally ill have declared both math and physics as proof of white supremacy. We need to stop enableing people like Hannah-Jones—we need to get them help.
‘1619 Project’ author Nikole Hannah-Jones says ‘tipping’ rooted in racism

by Greg Wilson, Washington Examiner, 3/22/22
The “1619 Project” author and former New York Times writer who believes America was built on racism started a Twitter controversy with the claim that the practice of tipping waiters, waitresses, bartenders, or apparently anyone else whose livelihood depends on an extra 15-20% for good service is racist. Tipping is a legacy of slavery and if it’s not optional then it shouldn’t be a tip but simply included in the bill,” Hannah-Jones, who tweets under the handle “Ida Bae Wells,” wrote late Monday. “Have you ever stopped to think why we tip, like why tipping is a practice in the US and almost nowhere else?”
Hannah-Jones was quick to add that she doesn’t stiff the help despite her dubious claims about the practice’s origin.
“Are y’all reading what I am writing or nah?” she wrote after the internet reacted to her premise. “I said I tip. I tip well. I tip almost always. But I object to the idea that I am obligated to tip no matter how I am treated. Nope. And you can’t get more offended at me than employers that pay less-than-minimum wage.”
A final tweet hinted that Hannah-Jones’s ire at the custom of obliging customers to leave a gratuity may have more to do with her personal experience than history.
“I’ve said what I have to say about this,” she wrote. “I have been utterly disrespected at restaurants. Ignored. Rudeness. Nope.”
Hannah-Jones found few takers for her theory that tipping is racist, with most ascribing it to restaurant owners seeking to subsidize labor costs or simply incentivize good service. But there were plenty of Twitter users who seemed to agree that social pressure to tip regardless of the quality of service is unfair.
“Tipping is optional,” wrote a Twitter user named BluePhoenixRise. “No one has to leave a tip or a decent tip for bad service. If the employee doesn’t make enough in tips the employer is required by law to pay the employee to meet minimum wages. The system is unfair and we need to get rid of tipping and pay a fair wage.”
Hannah-Jones authored the 1619 Project for the New York Times in 2019. It posited a view of American history that the year the first slave ships arrived in North America was the true founding of the United States. The project, which has been criticized for historical inaccuracies, found its way into public school classrooms across the country following its publication, sparking substantial controversy amid a larger debate over the presence of critical race theory in schools.
Critical race theory holds that U.S. institutions are systemically racist and oppressive to racial minorities. It has been banned from public schools in several GOP-controlled states, and several other states are considering similar bans.