Newsom is a bird killer. His policies of promoting wind turbines is a deadly one for birds. His own agency officials admit that.
“As Lindfield noted, Baker stressed that there is one segment of the animal kingdom “greatly affected by” these green policies, and especially wind turbine machines, prove to be very deadly to bird populations. Nowhere is this more detrimental though than amongst the raptors, like “eagles, hawks, and falcons.” Also from the article:
Baker added that though fatalities of predatory birds seemed few among all birds killed by turbines, the numbers are significant due to their slow reproductive nature.
According to a 2021 article by Joel Merriman, a former wind energy campaign director for the American Bird Conservancy, approximately 681,000 birds are being killed in the United States each year by wind turbines.”
Hate birds? Promote wind turbines.
30-year veteran of CA fish and wildlife sounds the alarm on the obliteration of bird species

By Olivia Murray, American Thinker, 9/3/23
As with every policy of the left, there’s always an altar, drenched with the blood of an innocent and unwitting sacrifice.
From an article out today by David Lindfield at Slay News:
As Democrat-led states across America push to meet the goals of the Biden administration’s green agenda, several wildlife species are being ‘sacrificed,’ experts are warning.
However, several experts, including a former official of the California Fish and Wildlife Department, are expressing major concerns about potential consequences such may entail for the state.
Per Lindfield, John Baker, a 30-year veteran of the California Fish and Wildlife Department who retired from the position of assistant chief, is sounding the alarm about impending ecological disasters, thanks to California politicians ramrodding “green” policies through the legislature and the bureaucracies—the state government has set an aggressive goal for “carbon neutrality” by 2045, cost be darned. Largely, this comes into play with the state phasing out “dirty” energy supplies like coal and petroleum, and transitioning to “renewable” energy, particularly wind; modern wind turbines are some of the biggest environmental offenders of “clean” energy technologies we have. Against all reason and logic, and without the science to back it up, Democrats are waging a war against the climate, and there is a lot of collateral damage.
As Lindfield noted, Baker stressed that there is one segment of the animal kingdom “greatly affected by” these green policies, and especially wind turbine machines, prove to be very deadly to bird populations. Nowhere is this more detrimental though than amongst the raptors, like “eagles, hawks, and falcons.” Also from the article:
Baker added that though fatalities of predatory birds seemed few among all birds killed by turbines, the numbers are significant due to their slow reproductive nature.
According to a 2021 article by Joel Merriman, a former wind energy campaign director for the American Bird Conservancy, approximately 681,000 birds are being killed in the United States each year by wind turbines.
At the altar of reproductive “justice” and “choice” you find tiny severed feet and eviscerated little bodies.
At the altar of visibility and inclusion, you find sexualized toddlers and gender-bending children with synthetic hormone delivery systems implanted in their arms.
At the altar of climate change and environmentalism, you find dead animals. Lots, and lots of dead animals.