Heard on the Tom/Toms

Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  6/16/23   www.capoliticalreview.com

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:  The most courageous act is to think for yourself.  Coco Chanel


On August 19.2023 the California Conservative Conference will be holding its SEVENTH Statewide conservative conference.  In Fresno.  Due to the scamdemic, we had been unable to hold it the last three years.  HOLD THIS DATE!!!!

Now, the TEA PARTY CALIFORNIA CAUCUS is again sponsoring this well known event for California conservatives.  There will be other sponsors announced soon—if your conservative group wants to sponsor contact me and I will forward it to the TPCC.

This conference will start at 9:00am on August 19 and last to 5:00pm in Fresno.  Details will come out shortly.

The agenda includes training for candidates for legislative and local office as well as for County Central Committee.  We will be discussing and planning the strategy for conservatives for the 2024 election.  It is an excellent way to network and meet people who can help your campaign, organization and educate the voters in your area.

We will also be planning for the CRP Platform fight.

Grifter Alert:

Sadly, the Republican Party and conservative activists have grifters in our midst.  These are people who are only looking for power or money—or both.  Winning elections is not part of their equation.  Here are examples of current grifting operations:

  1.  The big one of course is the chair of the California Republcian Party, Jessica Patterson.  He has eliminated conservatives from the table of the CRP.  Those “conservatives” she appoints always endorse her, the Establishment, keeping the totalitarian proxies—allowing the buying of proxies and support of “moderate” candidates and looking for conservatives to oppose in primaries.  For this she receives a quarter of a million dollars a year—double what the winning Democrat Chair receives—and a bonus of $25,000 for LOSING elections.  Of course no real voter registration effort or protest of dead people being on the voting roles.
  2. Then you have a lady claiming to be a conservative in Orange County—she has a habit of TAPING phone conversations, without permission and may be a more divisive force than Jessica Patterson among conservatives.  Folks in the OC know who this person is—she has bragged about the tapings, offered the APP to people, so they can tape—and has been observed taping people.  (An old Indian saying, “when you throw a rock into a pack of dogs, the dog that is hit, barks)
  3. Next you have the “professional” volunteer”.  In the Bay Area there is a conservative who will help you in your campaign—get your supporters, endorsements, volunteers—make himself indispensable.  Then you get a phone call that he can no longer afford to volunteer—you need to pay his expenses—large ones.  During the recent CRP convention, he charged one group for his expenses—then went to others asking THEY also pay for his expenses—without telling them he was already being paid—then goes to a candidate and gets the candidate to pay him for the work he was already doing.  Warning:  If a “volunteer” needs reimbursement of a large sum, they are not a volunteer.
  4. The final group are the consultants and how they get clients.  Organizations hold training sessions—that is a good thing.  These consultants become the trainers for TWO purposes.  First, to find out who the conservatives are and then run moderates against them with the support of the Establishment.  For instance, an attendee wanting to run for Assembly in the San Gabriel Valley attended a training session—then a very well-known consultant agreed to meet with her—found out everything about her background, campaign, etc.  Then informed her he was looking for another candidate to run against her.  The real purpose of groups like the Munger founded, CRP run California Trailfailures is to get vulnerable conservatives into a room with promises of money and support, spill their hearts out and to determine which conservatives are willing to turn on conservatives if given support.  No honesty in this bunch.

This will give you an idea about the grifters in Republican politics.  Buyer beware.

 (Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know.  The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”.  This column is named in her honor.)