Heard on the Tom/Toms

Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  6/22/23   www.capoliticalreview.com

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:  Your actions speak so loud, I can’t hear a word you say.

Congrats to the Placer County Central Committee: Proof a Well Run Committee Succeeds

While the California Political News and Views explains and exposes the grifters, the corrupt and the scam artists in California politics—Republican and Democrat—we also want to highlight the great work being done by the grassroots, volunteers and well organized clubs.

The Placer County Central Committee would win the Political Organization of the Year for its efforts in 2022 if the award existed.

In 2020, they had found about 10 people to run and took 3 school boards.

In 2022, they found almost 40 people to run, parents and people who just stepped up, and won about 90% of the seats that were open.  Importantly, they took on GOP incumbents, who voted with the unions and against the parents—and won several of those seats.

They now have a majority in 12 school districts and will work to have a majority in all by 2024.

Those parent candidates had pods of support from other parents, and those people walked their districts and carried literature from school board candidates up to Kevin Kiley. Those parents watched the whole process and now are ready to run themselves in 2024. 

They helped Kevin Kiley and other Republican win for Congress and Assembly.

The candidates keep getting easier to find, and they have a bench for the higher offices!  The better news is that Placer believes in voter registration, candidate training and developing candidates.  Want to see an emulate a great County Committee, go to Place.  Oh, it is led by Mark Wright—a real leader with accomplishments.

Oh the Placer CC has already endorsed Mike Murray for Supervisor, District 3.  And on July 7, the Placer Central Committee is holding a major event with James O’Keefe as the speaker.

  1.  When you pay your hotel bill, look at it carefully.  Looks for the phony surcharges.

Hotel Guests Sue Marriott, Saying Los Angeles Locations Charge ‘Junk’ Fee — Hotel guests are suing Marriott International over a daily fee at the chain’s Los Angeles-area hotels, saying the employee-protection surcharge violates California’s consumer protections and unfair competition laws. Suryatapa Bhattacharya in the Wall Street Journal$ — 6/21/23

  •  Here is why folks are fleeing California—government is killing the finnacers of families.  San Diego, already expensive is getting more expensive.

San Diego water rates will rise more steeply than expected — but single-family homeowners will get a reprieve — The updated proposal would raise monthly rates for a typical single-family homeowner to $93.55 instead of $103.06. Those customers now pay $81.07 per month. David Garrick in the San Diego Union-Tribune$ — 6/21/23

  •  More proof going to UCLA is a waste of money.  Want to get a degree in racism and hate—UCLA is the place.  Want a job and career?  Go to community college for an education.

The most lucrative majors? Some community college grads can outearn elite university peers — Community college graduates in healthcare fields can outearn humanities students even from elite universities such as Stanford, UC Berkeley and UCLA, underscoring how much majors can matter. Teresa Watanabe in the Los Angeles Times$ — 6/21/23

  •  Thanks to the Fascist Fauci, our kids lost two years of education.  He knew China LIED,  He Lied—then people died, physically, emotionally and educationally.

National test scores plunge, with still no sign of pandemic recovery — National test scores plummeted for 13-year-olds, according to new data that shows the single largest drop in math in 50 years and no signs of academic recovery following the disruptions of the pandemic. Donna St. George in the Washington PostDana Goldstein in the New York Times$ — 6/21/23

 (Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know.  The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”.  This column is named in her honor.)