If you dislike Jews and Israel, you must love Democrats.  Before World War 2, President Roosevelt would not let Jews into the country that fled Nazi Germany on the Exodus.  Obama spent his years in the White House apologizing for the United States supporting Israel.  One of the first things Biden did when he entered the Presidency was to denounce the Abraham Accords, which gave peace to the Middle East.

Now, Bay Area Democrat Congressman Mark DeSaulnier is proving he is a true Democrats—does not like Jews.

Recently, DeSaulnier voted against a congressional resolution congratulating Israel on its 75th anniversary.

When asked to explain his vote, DeSaulnier wrote on May 31, 2023):  “I support Israel as a democratic Jewish state and join with many who are commemorating its 75th anniversary.  He added that . . . “I do not feel that HR 311 [a House of Representatives resolution] was the appropriate way to mark the occasion, particularly as it notably omitted any reference toward a two-state solution, a longstanding bipartisan goal . . .”

The “two State solution” is really a one State solution—Palestinian terrorists controlling Israel, killing off the Jews.


By Richard Colman, Excusive to the California Political News and Views,  6/23/23 

There are elected officials in America who do not fully support the right of Jews to have their own Jewish state.

One such official is Congressman Mark DeSaulnier (D-Concord, California).  Concord is about 35 miles east of San Francisco.

Opposition to the existence of the state of Israel is called anti-Zionism, which is defined as, according to an article in the New Yorker magazine (May 11, 2022) “ . . . the right of Jewish people to self-determination in their ancestral homeland.”

Recently, DeSaulnier voted against a congressional resolution congratulating Israel on its 75th anniversary.

When asked to explain his vote, DeSaulnier wrote on May 31, 2023):  “I support Israel as a democratic Jewish state and join with many who are commemorating its 75th anniversary.  He added that . . . “I do not feel that HR 311 [a House of Representatives resolution] was the appropriate way to mark the occasion, particularly as it notably omitted any reference toward a two-state solution, a longstanding bipartisan goal . . .”

It is unclear why DeSaulnier did not support the resolution congratulating Israel and, simultaneously, to have issued a separate statement on his support for a two-state solution involving Israel and the Palestinian people.

Anti-Zionism is closely linked to anti-Semitism.  Opposition to a the existence of a Jewish state can –- and often is –- linked to a dislike or hatred of the Jewish people.

Two thousand years ago, Israel was the biblical homeland of the Jews.  In 70 A.D. (C.E.), the Romans conquered biblical Israel and drove most of the Jews there into exile.  Jews went to Middle Eastern nations, Spain, Portugal, Greece, and Central Europe (especially Germany, Poland, and Russia).

The migration out of biblical Israel was called the Diaspora (the dispersion or scattering).  In most Diaspora nations (especially Germany, Poland, and Russia) Jews were mistreated and often killed in pogroms.

No one knows if a two-state solution in current Israel is possible.  When there is an agreement between Israelis and Muslims (including Palestinian Muslims), there is usually a faction of Muslims that opposes such an agreement.  The result is that the unhappy Muslim faction will engage in the slaughter of Israeli Jews.

A recent reminder is the Oslo Accords of the 1990’s that was supposed to bring an accommodation between Israelis and Palestinians.  The accords did not last long.

Congressman DeSaulnier has every right to oppose congratulating Israel on its 75th anniversary.  And voters in his district have every right to oppose DeSaulnier.

Israel can determine its own policies.  The United States does not need to tell another democracy how to behave.  In the United Kingdom, there is a movement to have Scotland become a separate nation.  The U.S. has no business telling the people of the U.K. how to handle the matter of Scottish independence.

If DeSaulnier is a candidate for re-election is 2024, no one should be surprised if voters in his congressional district decide to oppose his views on Israel.