Heard on the Tom/Toms

Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  6/23/23   www.capoliticalreview.com

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:  7 Core Principles of Conservatism

  • Individual Freedom. The birth of our great nation was inspired by the bold declaration that our individual, God-given liberties should be preserved against government intrusion. …
  • Limited Government. …
  • The Rule of Law. …
  • Peace through Strength. …
  • Fiscal Responsibility. …
  • Free Markets. …
  • Human Dignity.


Once a year I remind my readers that I am available for speaking engagements almost anywhere in the State.  Though located in Ventura County, I speak everywhere—recently in San Diego , Yuba City and many point in between.

My presentation’s are based on policy issues like education, immigration, WOKEISM, the economy.  It also includes discussion of the current political status of California and what the 2024 election will look like.

Last month I spoke, on ZOOM, to a Statewide event of the California Federation of Republican Women, in person to the Tea Party in Bakersfield and the Tea Party in Atascadero, among others. Yesterday I spoke to a Republican women’s organization in Monrovia.

At the same time, I am a pundit on radio talk shows—and as you know publish the California Political News and Views six days a week, since 1996.

If you would like to discuss the possibility of me speaking to your group, you can call me directly at 805-795-1271 between 8:00am and 10:00pm, seven days a week.  Or you can email me at [email protected]

My presentations include hard news, analysis of issues, opinions on candidates and political operations, I am not subtle.  But, they are also laced with humor.  Yesterday at the Monrovia speech I reminded the group that God create two genders—and the Democrats created the rest.  I also told them I am voting for Joe Biden for President and John Fetterman for Vice President—IT IS A NO BRAINER.

Looking forward to hearing from you.


  1.  Joe Collins was sued by the County of San Diego for not paying child support for four children.  Then when the County asked him for a blood sample, to disprove paternity.  He responded by telling the County his blood was SO rae, that it would cost them $15 million for a blood sample (not a typo).  He spent millions running against Maxine Waters and Ted Lieu—while traveling the nation is style, by plane, first class hotels, Uber everywhere.  Great Life.  Last week it was noted that he was trying to raise $2.5 BILLION for an entertainment center—trying to get Mayors of struggling cities to pay for it.  The value of the stock in his company, as listed was one, one hundredth of a cent.  You could buy all the stock in the company for about $1,000.  Now, with this background he is running for office again.  No, not in California, too many problems in this State.  He is running for the Texas House of Representatives (their version of our Assembly).  I am sure the Dallas “Metroplex” media will have all the information they need on his background to determine whether to endorse him or ship him back to California.

This is from RRH:  TX HD-70: Former Congressional candidate Joe Collins III (R), who raised millions of dollars from GOP donors to run hopeless long shot campaigns against CA-43 Rep. Maxine Waters in 2020 (which he lost by 43 points), and CA-36 Rep. Ted Lieu in 2022 (which he lost by 40 points), has apparently moved from California to Texas and is running for a Biden +11 Texas state House seat.

  •  Think your private information is safe when in the hands of Sacramento and Newsom?

Hackers steal social security numbers, birth dates and more on 769,000 CalPERS retirees — The California Public Employees’ Retirement System reported Wednesday that hackers stole the names, social security numbers, birth dates and other confidential information of roughly 769,000 retirees and beneficiaries, taking advantage of a vulnerability in a contracted vendor’s cybersecurity system. Cathie Anderson in the Sacramento Bee$ — 6/22/23

  •  Thanks to a union, thousands of solid, good people are committing financial and professional suicide.  In the age of AI, these writers are no longer needed—maybe they could drive for UBER.

Scripted TV permits in L.A. drop to zero nearly two months after writers’ strike began — The dramatic falloff in activity is reverberating across Southern California’s economy, where many local businesses depend on the industry, as do thousands of crew members who work behind the scenes on film and TV sets. Anousha Sakoui in the Los Angeles Times$ — 6/22/23

  •  Without a 20% raise for the BART police officers, the system has a $92 million deficit.  This increases it.  Now they will get a raise—but ridership is DOWM 68% since the start of the scamdemic—and folks who would ride the system are fleeing companies and the city, with tourists protecting themselves by NOT going to San Fran.

More BART police officers would ride trains in exchange for 20% raises, under new proposal — BART, which faces a steep “fiscal cliff,” could give officers in the agency’s police department 20% raises and tie them to a new deployment requirement that could increase the number of officers riding trains by 50%. Ricardo Cano in the San Francisco Chronicle$ — 6/22/23

 (Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know.  The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”.  This column is named in her honor.)