Britton: The Tax Watchers: Why fix Proposition 19?

How does government end private home ownership, except for the very rich?  They use the tax code.  They make it impossible for parents to sell their homes to their children.

“As a result of Proposition 19, beginning in February 2021 a family home transferred to the owner’s children by either sale or inheritance will be reassessed and taxed at the higher level, unless the child actually lives in the home. These higher assessed values have resulted in families across the state having to sell their family home because the children can’t afford the higher property taxes. Most families are totally unaware of the situation until the time of transfer, unfortunately often the death of a parent.

According to Jon Coupal of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, “Proposition 19 was the largest property tax increase in California history.” The law also has a devastating effect on renters who, as a result of a property’s reassessment and or sale, may face huge rent increases.

This Marxist tax rule is part of the wider effort to kill the private economy and force folks to need government to survive.

The Tax Watchers: Why fix Proposition 19?

By Colleen Britton, Daily Republic,  6/22/23

In November 2020, following a year of devastating wild fires across the state, Californians narrowly passed Proposition 19 by only 51%. The emotionally charged and complex bill touted perks for seniors, fire victims, veterans, the severely disabled, schools, fire departments, local governments and more. What was tucked in the fine print was a devastating blow to homeowners who desired to pass their family home to the next generation. It was a bad proposition, and became a bad law.

As a result of Proposition 19, beginning in February 2021 a family home transferred to the owner’s children by either sale or inheritance will be reassessed and taxed at the higher level, unless the child actually lives in the home. These higher assessed values have resulted in families across the state having to sell their family home because the children can’t afford the higher property taxes. Most families are totally unaware of the situation until the time of transfer, unfortunately often the death of a parent.

According to Jon Coupal of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, “Proposition 19 was the largest property tax increase in California history.” The law also has a devastating effect on renters who, as a result of a property’s reassessment and or sale, may face huge rent increases.

In 2022 Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association attempted a referendum effort to correct this issue, “Repeal the Death Tax,” but because of COVID and lockdowns, it was difficult to circulate petitions, and they failed to gather the necessary signatures.

This past May, a bipartisan Constitutional Amendment, SCA 4, was proposed in the Senate Committee on Governance and Finance to correct this Proposition 19 injustice. It would have restored the ability of families to transfer their family home without increased tax liability and without affecting the beneficial parts of the current law. Unfortunately, the measure was narrowly defeated along party lines, and it will never appear on the ballot for citizens to decide yea or nay.

Who opposed it? American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, California Professional Firefighters (co-sponsors of Prop. 19), California Teachers Association, California Association of Realtors and Common Ground California. They expected a windfall from the current law, but as of now, no additional funds have been generated for them.

The only hope of restoring our right to transfer our family home/farm to our children without unwarranted tax increases, will come by way of a massive effort by the people of California — pressure through a new initiative — hopefully to be placed on the 2024 ballot. Howard Jarvis Taxpayer Association is leading the effort to “Fix Proposition 19” and “Repeal the Death Tax.”.

Howard Jarvis Taxpayer Association will be filing an initiative with the attorney general’s office very soon to restore the protections that Proposition 19 took away. They plan to have petitions available for the public in about two months from now. Stay tuned. We will have a very limited time to gather enough signatures to qualify for the ballot.

Learn more on the website Stay informed and volunteer to help.

This issue touches every family and support should be widespread. But people need to know before it’s too late. Share and educate your friends, family, and neighbors. Together, we win.