Dem Budget Includes $600 Million Gas Tax Increase

In just four days, on July 1, the cost of gas in California goes up—with NONE of the increase going to those greedy oil companies.  Every cent is going to the greedy Sacramento Democrats.  Oh, if you ask for when the Democrats voted on this automatic yearly gas tax increase, you have to go back many years.  They put tax increases on autopilot.

Now we know that Newsom, running for President on a tax and spend Platform, his new budget has a $600 million gas tax increase included.

As mentioned yesterday, the Sacramento Democrats take $19 BILLION a year, in taxes from your health insurance policy—one reason insurance is so expensive.  Now, secretly, a gas tax increase happens, with NO votes on anybody currently in the Assembly or Senate.  We are going to lose another $600 million to the corrupt folks in Sacramento.

Dem Budget Includes $600 Million Gas Tax Increase

Assembly Republican Caucus,  6/26/23

Days after Washington overtook California as the state with the most expensive gas in the country, Gavin Newsom and legislative Democrats are working hard to reclaim the top spot. 

While details of the state budget negotiations are still hazy, one thing is clear: Democrats are banking on an $600 million gas tax increase to help balance the books. 

Despite California drivers already paying the second-highest gas tax in the country, Democrats think drivers should pay even more. And what do Californians get for all those taxes? The fourth-worst roads in the nation