Popular L.A. restaurant staff demands change amid rising crime 

Now the staff of a West Hollywood restaurant is complaining about crime.

“The La Boheme restaurant staff is demanding immediate change amid rising crime in the West Hollywood area.  

On April 25, a group of criminals wielding guns was caught on camera robbing three people in the alleyway of La Boheme on Santa Monica Boulevard and Orlando Avenue. Since then, the restaurant has reportedly been vandalized five times. 

A woman identified only as Natalie, who does LA Boheme’s events and marketing and coordinating, says the restaurant cameras also capture people attempting to break into the restaurant, trespassing and other unwanted intrusions.”

More reason to leave California—to protect your physical and business life.

Popular L.A. restaurant staff demands change amid rising crime 

by: Myja GaryRachel Menitoff, KTLA,  6/26/23    https://ktla.com/news/local-news/popular-l-a-restaurant-staff-demands-change-amid-rising-crime/

The La Boheme restaurant staff is demanding immediate change amid rising crime in the West Hollywood area.  

On April 25, a group of criminals wielding guns was caught on camera robbing three people in the alleyway of La Boheme on Santa Monica Boulevard and Orlando Avenue. Since then, the restaurant has reportedly been vandalized five times. 

A woman identified only as Natalie, who does LA Boheme’s events and marketing and coordinating, says the restaurant cameras also capture people attempting to break into the restaurant, trespassing and other unwanted intrusions.

Video footage from April 25, 2023, obtained by WEHOville appears to show robbers armed with an AK-47 hold multiple people at gunpoint.

“For instance, there are homeless people coming into the patio part of the restaurant, sleeping on couches,” she said. “I don’t know if they have a weapon on them. I don’t know their mental state. There are also people doing crack in the back alley. It’s really concerning. I just don’t feel safe.”

Restaurant staff say customers and employees fear for their safety and are afraid to come to work. 

Lucian Tudor, CEO of Global Dining Inc. and owner of La Boheme, spoke before the city council on Monday night. He says they regularly report incidents to the sheriff’s department, but there haven’t seemed to be any changes made. He also believes that the security officers that patrol the area are not helping to stop the crime. 

“People are afraid to come to work,” Tudor said. “I need at least two of us to come to open the restaurant because we never know what we’re going to find.”

“I feel like the city council says a lot and talks a lot about what they’re doing and implementing, but it’s not being shown in action,” Natalie added.

Tudor’s goal is to hold leadership accountable. Otherwise, the future of the restaurant is at stake, he says. 

“I want to know where is my money, where is my taxes?” Tudor added. “Where are every resident’s taxes? Why do we still have this problem after billions of dollars?”

Restaurant staff say that sales are down because of the continuous crime and if significant changes are not made, they’ll have no choice but to close down permanently.