Temecula Councilmember Jessica Alexander compares Democrats to domestic terrorists

The Attorney General of the United States claims that Mom’s demanding safe school for their children are domestic terrorists—and then uses the Gestapo, ur in America they are called the FBI, to bully and harass women.  But, when a Council member notes that National Socialist Democrats put criminals on the streets, open our borders to sex trackers and drug dealers, want to take away your cars, air conditioners and light bulbs are domestic terrorists, folks get upset.

School districts are telling teachers to lie to parents, allow perverted boys in skirts in girl’s bathrooms and tell white students that they are racists, because of their skin color.  These are the terrorists.  Temecula Councilwoman Alexander did not go far enough in describing the domestic terrorist, doing their jo in the name of government.

Temecula Councilmember Jessica Alexander compares Democrats to domestic terrorists

Lawmakers behind transgender rights bills “behave like demons,” she said

By JEFF HORSEMAN, The Press-Enterprise, 9/15/23    https://www.pressenterprise.com/2023/09/15/temecula-councilmember-jessica-alexander-compares-democrats-to-domestic-terrorists/?utm_email=95C3E5E4E4E5A580647814C571&lctg=95C3E5E4E4E5A580647814C571&active=no&utm_source=listrak&utm_medium=email&utm_term=https%3a%2f%2fwww.pressenterprise.com%2f2023%2f09%2f15%2ftemecula-councilmember-jessica-alexander-compares-democrats-to-domestic-terrorists%2f&utm_campaign=scng-pe-localist-eve&utm_content=curated

Sacramento Democrats are acting like domestic terrorists and demons and terrorizing families with laws aimed at protecting transgender children, a Temecula councilmember said.

Jessica Alexander’s comments, delivered at the Temecula City Council’s Tuesday, Sept. 12, meeting, follow a pattern of provocative — critics say abhorrent — discourse and behavior from the conservative councilmember, especially concerning the LGBTQ community.

Speaking during a portion of the meeting reserved for councilmembers’ comments, Alexander said she wanted to tell the public about newly signed state laws “that are about to make a big impact on our cities’ families.”

California’s legislative session adjourned Thursday, Sept. 14.

“Today, on a daily basis, Sacramento is hammering away at the foundation of our community, which is our families,” Alexander said. “They are terrorizing parents, children, and our local school boards one bill at a time.”

She added: “The behavior of the majority group … and others in Sacramento is more like that of a domestic terrorist posing a danger to our community as they intimidate our city government and citizens. Bills currently under consideration are being weaponized and will do nothing but destroy families and lead children to destruction and death.”

One new law Alexander referenced requires mental health professionals to consult with a minor “before determining whether involvement of the minor’s parent or guardian would be inappropriate,” according to a nonpartisan analysis of the bill.

Other laws she cited require courts in child custody hearings to consider whether a parent affirms their child’s gender identity and seal court records pertaining to a child’s gender change request.

“Sacramento is creating a fantasy land for minors and a predatory environment with no consequences,” Alexander said.

“ … The individuals writing and supporting these bills behave like demons inciting children (to a) pleasure island, living their lives with no rules, living for indulgence and embracing a do-what-thou-shalt-do philosophy.”

A co-founder of One Temecula Valley PAC, a group that opposes what it sees as political extremism in local government, rebuked Alexander’s latest comments.

“If she’s not attacking the LGBTQI+ community to appease her personal religious beliefs, she’s using her seat on the Temecula City Council to promote her political beliefs, flooding the chambers with conspiracy-laden misinformation, fear mongering and slanderous attacks,” Jeff Pack said via email.

“Further, calling supporters of these bills ‘domestic terrorists’ is as ignorant as it is irresponsible, dangerous and unbecoming of an elected official. She is unfit to serve our community in any capacity.”

Alexander could not be immediately reached for comment Friday, Sept. 15.

It’s not the first time Alexander, a councilmember since 2020, has faced scrutiny for her comments.

In 2021, she made national headlines and was mocked on late-night TV by comparing her resistance to wearing a mask to stop the spread of COVID-19 to Rosa Parks’ refusal to go along with bus segregation in the 1960s.

Later that year, she tried unsuccessfully to declare Temecula a “sanctuary city” for the unborn. She also criticized the city’s LGBTQ pride month declaration in 2022 and walked off the council dais in June when the mayor read a resolution recognizing Pride Month.

4 thoughts on “Temecula Councilmember Jessica Alexander compares Democrats to domestic terrorists

  1. Alexander is spot on. The communist democrats, led by the thieving, traitorous dementia patient are nothing but anti-American terrorists.

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