California Moving Proposed Constitutional Amendments to November 2024 Ballot

The Democrats are making sure that the ballot measures they believe will up the voter turnout next November, will be on the November ballot.  One repeals the traditional marriage in our Constitution and another lowers the threshold to pass tax increases.

“Senate Bill 789 (by Senators Allen and Wiener) is moving two legislative measures from the March 2024 ballot to the November general election next year. Specifically, SCA 2 and ACA 5, which had been anticipated to be on the primary ballot in March, are instead being moved. In addition, ACA 1 and ACA 13 will also be on the November 2024 ballot.”

The purpose of this is to maximize Progressive turnout—to win local races.  They are afraid that parents might take back school boards, and this is one way they can force their voters to the polls.  Beware.

California Moving Proposed Constitutional Amendments to November 2024 Ballot

By Chris Micheli, California Globe,  9/22/23

Senate Bill 789 (by Senators Allen and Wiener) is moving two legislative measures from the March 2024 ballot to the November general election next year. Specifically, SCA 2 and ACA 5, which had been anticipated to be on the primary ballot in March, are instead being moved. In addition, ACA 1 and ACA 13 will also be on the November 2024 ballot.

Pursuant to the California Elections Code (Section 9040), a constitutional amendment that has been adopted by 2/3 of the California Legislature is to be submitted to the People on the ballot of the first statewide election occurring at least 131 days after the adoption of the proposal. Because the Legislature adopted SCA 2 (2022 Session) and ACA 5 (2023 Session), they were to be placed on the March 5, 2024, statewide primary election. In addition, ACA 1 was recently approved by the Legislature and would therefore appear on the ballot at the March 5, 2024, statewide primary election, according to the Elections Code.

SB 789, if signed into law by Governor Newsom as expected, would call a special election to be consolidated with the statewide general election scheduled for November 5, 2024, and would require the submission of SCA 2, ACA 5, and ACA 1 to the voters at that election. This bill would also declare that it is to take effect immediately as an act calling an election, which also exempts it from a referendum.

Finally, ACA 13, which was also approved this month by the Legislature, is being held at the Assembly Desk until November 1, 2024. Thereafter, it will be submitted to the Secretary of State, which means it will also be on the November 2024 statewide general election ballot.

One thought on “California Moving Proposed Constitutional Amendments to November 2024 Ballot

  1. Marriage is a religious construct that stretches back over 6,000 years or more into all human history. The nuclear family is as basic as any institution in civilization. Today government has taken over marriage. And government has no legal right or business interfering with religious marriage – That between a man and a women. Therefor Cole will propose legislation and court proceedings that seek to remove government from traditional religious marriage. Government should stay the hell out of religion. Let government issue a “Statement of Union” to gay or lesbian couples that wish a legal union.Or any other unorthodox style on union the voters come up with.
    Soon the government can deal with the thorny issue of two men, a women and a goat who demand their rights to a “Statement of Union” from the state. This ribald hypothetical illustrates the basic problem with government that has no morals. Atheists and religion free governments, are still bound by morals based on our religious traditions. Even non religious democrats will not agree with state sanctioned goat and man marriage. So get government out of religious marriage between a man and a woman. And religion can not interfere with government.

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