Heard on the Tom/Toms

Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  10/5/23    www.capoliticalreview.com

Chair Jessica Patterson SUPPRESES GOP Vote—HELPS Democrats Get Nominations in Top Two Races

You may have received emails from Chair Patterson and Vice Chair Corrine Rankin on how important it is to harvest votes—and get them in early.  They want every vote cast and counted.  That is what they say—but what do they do?

The Primary is March 5, 2024.  So where do Patterson and Rankin want you the weekend before the Primary?.  Jessica set the Spring convention for San Jose, March 1-5.  Instead of walking precincts, making phone calls, sending out robo calls and blast emails, Patterson and Rankin want you, the leaders of the California GOP in a hotel in San Jose.

By not maximizing our vote, in a top two race, we will find more of our candidates NOT making it to the November ballot.

Per the Rules, the Chair recommends the location and timing of conventions.  Patterson picked the perfect time to suppress the Republican vote.

She talks BIG about voter registration.  She is right, it is important that we have a robust voter registration program. As best as can be told, not ONCE since January has bounty or registration been on the CRP Board agenda.  Who set the agenda’s?  Chair Patterson.

Of course she got caught trying to make the CRP a pro-choice Party.  Happily, Republicans united against her UniParty approach and approved a Republican Platform.

Does anybody believe she did not know what she was doing by setting the convention date a couple of days before the Primary?

ACTION ITEM:  We need to pressure the CRP Board, and the legislators and candidates who will be losers because of Pattersons’ voter suppression to change the date of the Spring convention.

(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know.  The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”.  This column is named in her honor.)

5 thoughts on “HEARD ON THE TOM/TOMS

  1. Jessica Patterson is a major reason why the Republican Party in California is a joke. Everyone knows the ONLY reason Patterson was elected chair was so the CAGOP could shout from the tree tops: First Woman, First Hispanic!

    Were you at the CAGOP lunch on Sept. 29 featuring Donald Trump?

    When President Trump called out people at the start of his speech, he did NOT call out Jessica Patterson! Dozens of people told me – it was noticed that Trump slighted Patterson.

    California Republicans have no chance with Jessica Patterson as the CAGOP chairperson. Her planning this conference the weekend before the primary is a prime example of why.

    1. I was there (VIP seating), 5 feet away from the podium., it was a magic 2 hrs. seeing and hearing President Trump, one standing ovation after another, however, he DID acknowledge and thank Jessica Patterson among others, it was a sellout event.

  2. There is no urgency, rhyme or reason to have the CAGOP convention the weekend before Primary Election. Strategically it would be better to have it after the primary to better prepare for the General Election in November and the RNC Convention in July. The ideal time to have had it is April or May after the primary is certified and they could tie it in with the RNC Delegate selections and orientations.

    There are arguments on whether to vote early or wait until election day. Look at it this way. Get the high propensity voters to vote early. Cost is minimal. If you have the high propensity voters in the bank, you can spend the money on the low propensity voters.

  3. CRP is short for CRAP. The GOP is riddled with RINOS in California and across the country. Until true conservatives get tough and dump and defund these incompetent backstabbers we will continue to wallow in failure.

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