Disney CEO Bob Iger Reportedly ‘Overwhelmed And Exhausted’ As Mickey Mouse & Co. Continues To Crumble

Bob Iger and Disney have decided to make a remake of the iconic class, Bambi”.  This time it will be WOK, anti-gun and bizarre.  It will be a gigantic financial failure.  No wonder Iger is not having fun—he is actively killing off the Disney company.

“Iger, who came back to lead Disney after handpicking a disaster in Bob Chapek to replace him, has been semi-jokingly asking his confidantes, “Why did I come back?” according to a report from Bloomberg News that cited info from Iger’s inner circle.

Peltz halted his proxy fight against Disney back in February after Iger slashed costs by $5.5 billion, including laying off 7,000 employees, but now has no confidence in the CEO to pilot the company back to glory, according to The Wall Street Journal.

He did it to himself—and to Disney.

Disney CEO Bob Iger Reportedly ‘Overwhelmed And Exhausted’ As Mickey Mouse & Co. Continues To Crumble


ANDREW POWELL, Daily Caller,  10/10/23  https://dailycaller.com/2023/10/10/disney-ceo-bob-iger-overwhelmed-exhausted-bloomberg/

Disney is headed down the toilet, their CEO feels like crap and it’s absolutely fantastic.

Bob Iger, who is the CEO of Walt Disney Company, is reportedly “overwhelmed and exhausted” as the Mouse House continues to beautifully collapse, with activist investor Nelson Peltz further boosting his stake due to tanking stock prices.

Iger, who came back to lead Disney after handpicking a disaster in Bob Chapek to replace him, has been semi-jokingly asking his confidantes, “Why did I come back?” according to a report from Bloomberg News that cited info from Iger’s inner circle.

Peltz halted his proxy fight against Disney back in February after Iger slashed costs by $5.5 billion, including laying off 7,000 employees, but now has no confidence in the CEO to pilot the company back to glory, according to The Wall Street Journal.

And the whirlwind has Bob Iger completely stressed the hell out.

Man, it’s amazing to see how much Disney has crumbled.

Back in March 2021, Disney’s stock price was at a record high of over $191 per share, but as of Tuesday afternoon, it’s now at $85.14 — which is over a 50 percent dropoff. Mickey Mouse & Co. even hit a nine-year low last Wednesday, with the price dropping down to $78.32.

And what’s Bob Iger’s solution? Raising the prices of Disney+ and Hulu, looking to sell their television assets (including ESPN, which I would find absolutely fantastic). Yeah, doesn’t sound like a solution at all. It sounds like somebody giving into the collapse.

In other words, it sounds like somebody who’s “overwhelmed and exhausted.”

2 thoughts on “Disney CEO Bob Iger Reportedly ‘Overwhelmed And Exhausted’ As Mickey Mouse & Co. Continues To Crumble

  1. If you don’t follow history, you just repeat failures. The Ford Motor Company put a committee together to design the Edsel and it was a dismal failure. Now Disney is rewriting movie scripts and remaking classics based on the input of the WOKE culture. Disney needs to get back to making movies for children and not for those who believe in political correctness.

  2. The Disney company should start identifying items to sell in their future corporate estate sale. All Mouse Ears, $10, Fairy dresses, if you can fit into them, $2. Rides can be sold as is, hazards and all. Buildings can be razed and auctioned off board by board as bits of Disney Era Infatuation with Unreality. 1955 to Anon!

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