Ghost GOP Senate Candidate Holding Fund Raiser—Why?  He was a Great Baseball Player and Sold Endorsements

In the press release announcing Garvey is running for Senate, a video was included.  It focused on the fact he was a great baseball player.  Below is an invitation to a very private fund raiser for him in a few days.  It explaining why he us qualified to be a U.S. Senator.

“Steve played as a first baseman for the Los Angeles Dodgers and the San Diego Padres from 1969 to 1987, was a 10-time All-Star, National League Most Valuable Player in 1974, and National League Championship Series MVP in 1978 and 1984. He also holds the National League record for consecutive games played (1,207) and was named baseball’s “Iron Man” by Sports Illustrated. Steve was part of the Dodgers’ infield that won four National League pennants and one World Series championship in 1981.

Over the years, Steve seized numerous opportunities, becoming the face of brands like Adidas, Anheuser-Busch, and McDonald’s. His natural flair for marketing, advertising, and corporate relations, combined with representing various products, ultimately led to the creation of Garvey Marketing Group.”

His qualifications?  He was a great baseball player and sold his endorsements.  Note, not a single word on the issues of the day, his positions on them and how he will solve them.  Plus, since this is a private fund raiser, he does risk being asked about being a deadbeat Dad, his military and legal issues, his Biden Basement campaign, etc.  These are folks that want his signature on a baseball or a picture with a possible Hall of Famer.

In fact, based on the message of his campaign, he is NOT running for the Senate, he is running for the Baseball Hall of Fame.  In a future article I will reveal the issues the Democrats already have on him based on their research.  By the end of the campaign, he might not be able to show his face in a grocery store.

Ghost GOP Senate Candidate Holding Fund Raiser—Why?  He was a Great Baseball Player

Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  11/16/23 

From: Trey Kozacik
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2023 12:12 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Steve Garvey Event 11.29.23

Dear Steve,

Please join us at an event in support of Steve Garvey’s campaign for U.S. Senate on Wednesday, November 29th at the home of Nancy and Jim Demetriades in Beverly Hills.

Steve is running for the open US Senate seat here in California. His remarkable journey from Dodger bat boy to World Series Champion is a testament to his unwavering dedication and an insight into how he will run his campaign.

Steve knows the challenges of running here in California. However, he has outlined a clear path forward. The first step is to finish in the top two primary on March 5th – where the Democrat vote will be split three ways. The second step is an eight-month grassroots and TV/radio/online ad campaign “connecting the dots” between the policies pushed by California Democrats and the realities of these failed policies.

Having a Republican on the ballot for this race in November will benefit other R candidates down ticket across the state by encouraging Republican voter turnout. Steve is the only Republican who can be successful in getting across the Primary. His high name recognition gives him a huge advantage.

Steve played as a first baseman for the Los Angeles Dodgers and the San Diego Padres from 1969 to 1987, was a 10-time All-Star, National League Most Valuable Player in 1974, and National League Championship Series MVP in 1978 and 1984. He also holds the National League record for consecutive games played (1,207) and was named baseball’s “Iron Man” by Sports Illustrated. Steve was part of the Dodgers’ infield that won four National League pennants and one World Series championship in 1981.

Over the years, Steve seized numerous opportunities, becoming the face of brands like Adidas, Anheuser-Busch, and McDonald’s. His natural flair for marketing, advertising, and corporate relations, combined with representing various products, ultimately led to the creation of Garvey Marketing Group.

His efforts have not been exclusively focused on the field or in the boardroom. Giving back is a Garvey trademark. He succeeded Frank Sinatra as the National Campaign Chairman of the Multiple Sclerosis Society. In Addition, he assists in a variety of other causes: Special Olympics, Juvenile Diabetes, The Blind Children Center, United Way, Ronald McDonald House, and ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease).

We hope you will be able to join us at the event.

Thank you for your consideration.

Best regards,

Trey Kozacik

3 thoughts on “Ghost GOP Senate Candidate Holding Fund Raiser—Why?  He was a Great Baseball Player and Sold Endorsements

  1. Is there any other GOP candidate running for the Senate seat? He may not be ghe most qualified GOPer but he is also no Adam Schefft!

  2. We have Eric Early, James Bradley, Denise Padrol–none of whom are dead beat Dads–or investigated by the FBI. In about a week I will be publishing the legal and financial issues of Garvey. It is not pretty.

  3. Stephen Frank as a write-in? National Republican Party should be working on this election big time but unfortunately all they do is steal defeat from the jaws of victory at almost all of the higher level elections. Ronna McDaniel is a failure and should have been ousted long ago. She is a “losing manager” who accepts losing as the norm. P.S.: Anyone seen a Republican platform recently?

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