Steve Garvey:  The Man He Really Is—not pretty

Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  12/1/23   www. Steve Garvey:  The Man He Really Is—not pretty 

(Note:  Media may use this material, with credit)

Joe Biden wanted to deny he had a granddaughter—and until the media forced him to, he never recognized her as his granddaughter.

Former ballplayer Steve Garvey has a son and a daughter, both over 30 years old, he doesn’t even know, never met.  He has at least four grandchildren he hasn’t even met or knows, and children he has not seen, supported or been in contact with for at least a decade.

I found about this by talking with family members.

Then, if you remember, Hunter Biden had to be taken to court to be forced to pay child support for one of his children.  Steve Garvey had support court orders to pay for his children with his first wife Cynthia and never paid (I have a lawyer’s letter to that effect). Steve and Cynthia Garvey were married right out of Michigan State University from 1971-1985 and have two daughters together. After separating, Cynthia discovered his three-year affair with his secretary.

How good a man, father and husband was Steve Garvey?  The November 17, 1989 issue of Sports Illustrated—not a political magazine had a headline in a piece about Garvey, “AMERICA’S SWEETHEART


Here is how he treated women.  Think this will get him the women’s vote?

“In July 1988, Garvey discovered that Cheryl Moulton was pregnant with his child.[37] Despite this, Garvey proposed to Rebecka Mendenhall in November 1988, telling Mendenhall about Moulton at the time of the proposal. Mendenhall learned that she was pregnant that January. Garvey broke their engagement January 1, 1989, on a phone call.[39] Garvey and Mendenhall had been in a relationship since 1986. Their only child was born in October 1989.” 

Garvey have never seen this child—now in his 30’s.  But as a child, he wanted to meet his father.

The Garvey attorney was contacted.  But the child was told that Steve Garvey did not want to see him—and to this day, has not.  Oh, like Hunter Biden who had a court force him to pay child support, Garvey had a court order him to pay when the child was already three years old.

He never paid any child support to Cheryl Moulton.  A court ordered him to pay child support for his pre-teen daughters by his first wife—but stopped all payments in 1985.  Oh, and Garvey has never seen this child, nor her children, his grand children.

BOTTOM LINE:  This is both emotional abuse and abandonment.  That is who Steve Garvey is.  Add to that forging a signature on a $110,000 check, using the Catholic church to get a secret annulment, thus making two of his daughters illegitimate.  Plus so much more immature and unethical actions.

Back in 1989 the L.A. Times reported that Cynthia Garvey was jailed overnight Monday for refusing to comply with a visitation court order. The order was to put her young daughters, unaccompanied, on a train from San Diego and back (where Steve Garvey was living amidst the highly public, tabloid-level chaos of his personal and financial issues) every other weekend. This order was never enforced but seeing their mother jailed greatly affected Cynthia’s daughters who lived solely with her.

Cynthia said she was furious about comments made to the press during her brief jail stay by Garvey’s second wife, Candy.

The new Mrs. Candy Garvey, who had two children from a previous marriage and who wed the ex-slugger Feb. 19, 1989 after a six-week courtship and lived with him in Del Mar, had said she agreed with the jail sentence because “the judge needed to let Cyndy know she was not above the law and she should not have let her children think they were above the law.” Candy Garvey also said she thought her husband would have to be stern in reconciling with his daughters, Krisha, 14, and Whitney, 13.  At this court hearing, the children told the Judge, “we do not want to go with Dad”.

“I think it’s going to take tough love. It will be no different than taking a child out of a cult situation or getting a child off drugs,” Candy Garvey said.

At one point in the mid 90’s Candy Garvey appeared on “The Joan Rivers Show” and even accused Cynthia Truhan (Cyndy Garvey returned to her maiden name) of being capable of being another O.J. Simpson. Imagine how Cynthia’s daughters took that! She went on to blame Cynthia as the reason for her 1996 separation from Steve Garvey when in actuality it was well-known that Candy was in a relationship with another man during that time. All this time since her divorce, Cynthia was busy privately raising her daughters on her own and working.

Back then Steve Garvey admitted he had no relationship with his children—and his new wife considered the Mother of the children a cult leader/potential murderer.  Any wonder Cynthia wanted to protect her children?

Did you know that Steve Garvey was drafted in 1970 into the Army?  Not in his bio.

But he was drafted—this after he joined the Los Angeles Dodgers.  Before being drafted, he went for a physical and the Army approved of his physical condition—as did the Dodgers when they signed him.  But, after he was sent to Fort Jackson, he came up with a sudden malady, “migraine headaches”.  He then told the Army and they wanted a doctor’s note.  I have been told that a Dr. Woods provided him with the needed “documentation” to get him a medical discharge from the Military.  Millions of Americans served—not Steve Garvey.  Who is Dr. Woods?

Robert M. Woods was the medical doctor for the Dodgers.  Woods told the Dodgers that Garvey could run and be a productive baseball player, get paid a lot of money—but could not serve his country.  I wonder if Garvey still has migraines.  An important fact about his playing days—Garvey holds the record for most consecutive games played, over 1200.  Guess the migraines did not prevent him from playing baseball.  What is he going to tell those that served and the families of those that died as to why he could play baseball, but not serve like other Americans?

In 1992 Garvey and his former wife, Cynthia, were sued by the IRS.  A refund check was issued to them for $110,000 during their marriage, but was not reported.  At the IRS hearing, it was proved that Cynthia did not know about the check—and that her signature on the back of the check was actually forged—by Steve Garvey himself.  She was dropped from the IRS action as an “innocent spouse”.

According to family members, in the mid-90’s Steve Garvey continued his public humiliation of his ex-wife Cynthia by obtaining an annulment of their 14-year marriage, which produced two children, from the Catholic Church. He then proceeded to get formally married to his second wife Candy on live television in Los Angeles with a Catholic priest officiating. Hope his daughters weren’t watching.

On April 9, 2006, the Times ran a story, ”Former Dodger Great Facing a Mound of Debt”.  Steve Garvey admitted he owed his ex-wife Cynthia money from a court order in the mid 90’s. Cynthia raised their daughters and carried the burden of financial support for their children well into their adulthood. In total Steve Garvey left three women to pay the upbringing, school and health care for children he fathered.   At one point he cashed out over $94,000 in an insurance policy meant to pay for college for his children from his first wife—and kept the money for himself.

The Biden’s took money from the Communist Chinese.  Hunter cashed out his childs’ college fund, to buy cocaine. Garvey took money from his children.

The Times article talks about the numerous small claims by gardeners, caterers and others to get the money he owed them.  At the time he owned his attorney $300,000.  Worse, with his new wife Candy, the pediatrician was not paid and notified the Garvey’s that in the future, services would be on a cash only basis.

Some of this information can be found in a well-received book published by Doubleday in 1989, Written by Cynthia Truhan, “The Secret Life of Cyndy Garvey.”  As best as can be told, Steve Garvey never disputed the book.

All the while Cynthia raised their children on her own.  The other two mothers of children fathered by Steve Garvey did the same.  These women are heroes—you decide what Steve Garvey is.

This is just the first in a series of major stories about how Steve Garvey operates.

In one document he says about getting two women pregnant and marrying another woman a “mid-life crisis”.  That could explain the throw away women and children in one year.

Since then he has gone on to forge checks, mislead the public in advertising (2004 FTC lawsuit), his “military” record, refusing to see two children, ever, and two children he has not seen in ten years.  Is the 1989 mid-life crisis the reason he has not seen the grandchildren from his baby momma’s—nor paid children support for his children?

Garvey has no political or public policy background.  He has to be sold to the public based on his character.  Now you know a small part it. 

(Disclosure:  I have reached out to both Steve Garvey and his Senate PR guy, Matt Shupe.  I have placed numerous calls, emails and text messages to them.  I did speak with Garvey Thursday, yesterday, and asked him about the forged checks.  His response, “you have to speak with Matt Shupe, he will return your call.  He always returns calls.”  I explained I have tried reaching him, but Matt has not responded.  Garvey continued to say, “Call Matt”.  I wanted to ask if he told Shupe and his Team about the forged check, etc.—but at that point the call ended)

3 thoughts on “Steve Garvey:  The Man He Really Is—not pretty

  1. whoever put garvey up to run for public office is an idiot.

    with this much baggage garvey be more unelectable than hillary.

    garvey’s legacy reminds me of the sperminator a merchant brand that has faded over time

  2. Fascinating read. At what point does the “lame stream media” pick up on this story and make the CAGOP bleed “Dodger Blue Blood”

    Grassroots Republicans can thank the failed leadership of Jessica Patterson, Andy “GimmeKandy”, and that malignant narcissist Shawn Steel.

  3. Yes, Steve may not be an ideal candidate for anything.
    But, there are way too may California voters who would vote for the devil if he had a D after his name.
    So, if on my ballot it is Garvey or a democrat, Steve has my vote.

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