Secretary of State to appeal Fong ruling

Vince Fong is acting like a Democrat.  They do not believe in the Rule of Law or election laws.  So, Fong decides he is going to run for TWO legislative seats at the same time, in violation of State law.  He found a Judge willing to violate State law—now the Secretary of State has to appeal.  If she loses this case, California will no longer have any election laws.  They will be decided by Judges, not the Legislature.

Thursday night CRP Chair Patterson sent out a press release hailing the Fong decision as a victory.  Actually, this is how Democrats operate—break the law and declare it a victory.  While Patterson has no problem congratulating the Judge for violating the law, she still refuses to sue to get hundreds of thousands of dead people off the voting rolls and getting absentee ballots.

The Democrats are going to make this last as long as possible, making the Republican Party look like a bunch of law breakers.

Secretary of State to appeal Fong ruling

by: Jose FrancoJenny Huh, KGET,  12/29/23

BAKERSFIELD, Calif. (KGET) — The California Secretary of State’s Office said it will file an appeal to a ruling allowing Assemblymember Vince Fong to run for the 20th Congressional District.

A spokesperson with the Secretary of State’s Office confirmed with 17 News Friday morning it will file an appeal to the ruling handed down Thursday in Sacramento Superior Court. 

A judge on Thursday ruled Fong can appear on the March primary ballot for the 20th Assembly District. The Secretary of State had determined Fong was ineligible to run for the 20th District to replace outgoing Rep. Kevin McCarthy because Fong filed for reelection to the Assembly.

Fong’s campaign released a statement after the decision calling the it a “victory” for voters in the 20th Congressional District.

Fong appeared on the Secretary of State’s certified candidates list released late Thursday night for both the 20th Congressional District and the 32nd Assembly district where he is running unopposed.

Attorneys representing Secretary of State Shirley Weber argued Fong could not appear on the ballot twice for a Congressional and Assembly seat under state law. Fong had filed for reelection to the 32nd Assembly District before filing to run for the soon to be vacant Kevin McCarthy Congressional seat.

Weber released a statement Friday saying her office would appeal the decision.

“I strongly disagree with the outcome of this case, and I am gravely concerned about the consequences of [Thursday’s] ruling,” Weber said.

Weber said she agreed with the court’s concerns about possible voter confusion and disenfranchisement of voters if Fong wins both offices but only serves in one of them.

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