Los Angeles Times Journalists to Hold Historic Work Stoppage Amid Layoff Announcements

At least 20% of its remaining journalist are about to be fired by the L.A. Times.  The paper is already as thin as toilet paper.

First Union Strike in Times History: Los Angeles Times journalists are set to conduct the first newsroom union work stoppage in the 142-year history of the newspaper on Friday. 

Seniority Provisions at Stake: The one-day unfair labor practices strike is a reaction to management’s request to waive seniority provisions in the union’s contract. 

Guild’s Response to Management: Brian Contreras, chair of the Guild’s Unit Council, criticized the proposed changes to the contract as “obscene and unsustainable.” 

This is an example of why the Times and other newspapers are failing.  Here the union admits it will determine who works for the paper, not the owners, the people risky their money.  We have seen the auto and entertainment industry lose a lose number of workers due to union agreements.  Of course, it does not matter—the Times has lost most of its readers, all of its credibility and will fail whether or not the union strikes.

Los Angeles Times Journalists to Hold Historic Work Stoppage Amid Layoff Announcements

CNS, Westside, 1/19/24  https://www.westsidecurrent.com/news/los-angeles-times-journalists-to-hold-historic-work-stoppage-amid-layoff-announcements/article_337122f0-b6dd-11ee-b267-ff2868c054a0.html?utm_source=westsidecurrent.com&utm_campaign=%2Fnewsletter%2Foptimize%2Fdaily-headlines%2F%3F-dc%3D1705678223&utm_medium=email&utm_content=headline

Story Highlights

First Union Strike in Times History: Los Angeles Times journalists are set to conduct the first newsroom union work stoppage in the 142-year history of the newspaper on Friday. 

Seniority Provisions at Stake: The one-day unfair labor practices strike is a reaction to management’s request to waive seniority provisions in the union’s contract. 

Guild’s Response to Management: Brian Contreras, chair of the Guild’s Unit Council, criticized the proposed changes to the contract as “obscene and unsustainable.” 

Demand for Buyout Plan: The Guild is urging management to negotiate a buyout plan that aims for specific headcount reduction or cost savings with minimal layoffs.  

Substantial Reduction in Newsroom: Management plans to lay off at least 100 journalists, approximately 20% of the newsroom.  

Financial Challenges Cited by Management: Times spokeswoman Hillary Manning acknowledged the need to reduce the operating budget and the difficulty of decisions impacting employees.  

Public Rally and Support: The union has organized a “Rally To Save Local Journalism” at noon in Gloria Molina Grand Park, with similar events in Sacramento and Washington.  

Broader Industry Trend: The layoffs at the Los Angeles Times are part of a wider trend affecting print media, largely due to declining advertising and subscription revenues.

LOS ANGELES – Los Angeles Times journalists will conduct the first newsroom union work stoppage in the 142-year history of the newspaper Friday, one day after management disclosed that substantial layoffs were coming due to a widening budget deficit.

The one-day unfair labor practices strike was prompted by management’s request to waive seniority provisions in the union’s contract covering layoffs, according to a statement from the Los Angeles Times Guild, the union representing the paper’s newsroom employees.

“The changes to our contract that management is trying to pressure us into accepting are obscene and unsustainable,” Brian Contreras, chair of the Guild’s Unit Council said in a statement. “If this newsroom will ever be a place where reporters can have a reliable, steady job and put down roots in Los Angeles, that will only happen through the preservation of our seniority protections.

“And if management thinks our financial situation is untenable, they need to come to the bargaining table in good faith and work out a buyout plan with us that would first articulate a clear headcount or cost saving they’re aiming for, and then seek to hit that number with as many buyouts — and as few layoffs — as possible.”

Management has not publicly disclosed the number of newsroom positions that will be eliminated, but knowledgeable people said the plan is to lay off at least 100 journalists, or about 20% of the newsroom, the largest staff cut since the paper was owned by Tribune Co., The Times reported.

More than 70 positions were trimmed in June, about 13% of the newsroom, The Times reported.

The planned layoffs will mark the third round of cuts since June, when more than 70 positions, or about 13% of the newsroom, were trimmed.

“We need to reduce our operating budget going into this year and anticipate layoffs,” Times spokeswoman Hillary Manning said Thursday in a statement. “The hardest decisions to make are those that impact our employees, and we do not come to any such decisions lightly.

“We are continuing to review the revenue projections for this year and taking a very careful look at expenses and what our organization can support.”

The union will have what it is billing as a “Rally To Save Local Journalism,” at noon in Gloria Molina Grand Park. Similar events are planned for Sacramento and Washington.

The union is asking the public not to click on Times stories, engage with Times-brand accounts on social media or open Times news alerts through 11:59 p.m. Friday.

The Times layoffs follow an extensive trend in print media stemming from reduced advertising and subscription revenue.

One thought on “Los Angeles Times Journalists to Hold Historic Work Stoppage Amid Layoff Announcements

  1. I did not know there were any journalists left in Los Angeles, let alone the Times! Newspaper journalism died years ago. For the last decade all we have had is writer hacks.

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