Democrats Openly Interfere With Republican Presidential Election

In Iowa, 7,000 Democrats re-registered Republicans to support Nikki Halley.  In New Hampshire, Haley is openly asking non Republicans to vote for her in a Republican Primary.  Haley will not be able to do that in South Carolina—or California.  So, in California Democrats are now begging Democrats to register Republican, to harm the Republican Party

“This is an interesting Letter I found to the Editor of the Los Angeles Times:

For the first time in my life, I am registered to vote as a Republican. Why? Because maybe, by the time Californians vote on March 5, there will still be a primary candidate to challenge former President Trump, as Kurt Bardella wrote in his op-ed article, Nikki Haley is the best hope to keep Trump out of the White House

In large ways and small ones, Democrats want to interfere with elections.  This is how they operate—they can’t promote Biden, so they tear down others.

Register Republican, Vote Nikki Haley. That’s How We Stop Trump.

JACK HUMPHREVILLE, CityWatch,  1/18/24

LA WATCHDOG – This is an interesting Letter I found to the Editor of the Los Angeles Times:

For the first time in my life, I am registered to vote as a Republican. Why? Because maybe, by the time Californians vote on March 5, there will still be a primary candidate to challenge former President Trump, as Kurt Bardella wrote in his op-ed article, Nikki Haley is the best hope to keep Trump out of the White House

In 2015, I moved here from Illinois, where I was able to vote in either primary regardless of party affiliation. I did that depending on the candidates. 

I encourage my fellow Democrats to change their party affiliation just in case there is some hope in March that we can stop Trump. You can do it online and change it back later.

(Jack Humphreville writes LA Watchdog for CityWatch. He is the President of the DWP Advocacy Committee, the Budget and DWP representative for the Greater Wilshire Neighborhood Council, and a Neighborhood Council Budget Advocate.

One thought on “Democrats Openly Interfere With Republican Presidential Election

  1. The fact that Nikki Haley (now playing the victim card) can only win the New Hampshire primary (IF she wins) by asking Democrats to vote for her is all you need to know about this RINO in high heels.

    Let’s imagine a putrid candidate like Haley were to win the Republican nomination. All those America First MAGAs would sit home on Election Day/Week/Month. All those down ballot races would be lost, too.

    The Republican base is tired of RINOs …

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