Shocking! Totalitarian Policies From California Lawmakers This Week

For years the California Political News and Views has admitted that California is a totalitarian State.  Here are some examples just from the past year.

“Southern California Edison, Pacific Gas & Electric and San Diego Gas & Electric filed a proposal in April 2023 to install a fixed-rate electric bill system for those under the three largest power companies in the state, the Globe reported. The real plan is to create income-based utility billing rather than utility bills based on electricity and gas consumption. The utility companies are now proposing income-based utility billing so that higher-income earners pay for more than they use, subsidizing the rates for lower income customers.

“From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs,” Karl Marx wrote in his Communist Manifesto. In a nutshell, Marx said productive, hard-working and successful people must sacrifice to less productive, and unproductive people.

Sacramento Democrats are Marxists.  Period.  No wonder folks are fleeing the collapsing totalitarian Satte.

Shocking! Totalitarian Policies From California Lawmakers This Week

California’s going Full Commie

By Katy Grimes, California Globe,  1/26/24

Last week the Globe reported on the left’s admiration of Vladimir Lenin on the 100 year anniversary of his death. Tony Rennell wrote in the UK Daily Mail in his article, “Why does the gullible Left still lionize Lenin as a benign intellectual and the acceptable face of Communism when he ruthlessly murdered his opponents in their thousands, starved two million Russians to death and wrote the playbook for Stalin?”

While that level of barbarism is not taking place in America, every day active card-carrying members of the left who hold public office propose and pass policies to not only limit the people’s freedoms and choices, but impose policies that are harmful – and then they tell you it’s for your own good.

The march to Marxism is in play.

Here are just a few proposals from this week:

Limiting indoor temperatures

The Globe reported that the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors approved an ordinance this week that would set up a maximum indoor temperature for rental units during hot months of the year. You read that right – Los Angeles lawmakers want all renters limited on how cool they can keep their homes.

But it’s only to help people “not experience discomfort.”

“According to Supervisors Hilda Solis and Lindsey Horvath, the ordinance would help residents to not experience discomfort because of high temperatures, and, most critically, to not be in medical danger for days when the temperature goes into the 90s and above.”

Solis and Horvath also falsely claim because of climate change, the number days with a temperature above 94 degrees in L.A. is going to go up in the next few decades from an average of 7 days to an average of 21 days a year.

It wasn’t that long ago the people were told they should not have air conditioning at all – because of climate change – and using AC will only further pollute the air. That was so stupid that they pivoted and now propose limiting the temperatures in every rental property in L.A. County, despite that the ramifications would likely require significant capital expenditures in older buildings, and will have a financial impact on owners and residents.

It’s these kind of inane meddling regulations that cause the cost of residential rental properties to go up, showing you that they don’t really care about the plight of low income people and affordable housing.

Auto speed limiters 

Notice how these proposals “limit” what you can do?

A bill authored by Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) to require all cars in California to have speed limit restricters installed to only ten miles per hour above the speed limit was introduced in the Senate this week, the Globe reported.

Senate Bill 961 would specifically require certain vehicles, commencing with the 2027 model year, to be equipped with an intelligent speed limiter that would limit the speed of the vehicle to 10 miles per hour over the speed limit.

Wiener says his SB 961 also requires side guards on trucks. His sister bill SB 960, requires California to make state-owned streets safer for pedestrians, cyclists and bus riders. That means fewer lanes for cars, less street parking, and more invasive, dangerous bike lanes on major thoroughfares.

“CA, like the U.S., is in the midst of a spike in road deaths. Deaths are up 19% nationally & 22% in CA in past few years,” Wiener wrote on X/Twitter. “4,400 people die on CA roads each year. If the U.S. had similar safety policies to other wealthy nations, 25k fewer people would die on our roads each year.”

By the way – 750 people die everyday in California – that’s 273,750 Californians dying every year, from all sorts of medical issues, accidents, murders, or just naturally.

Sen. Wiener’s justification tells the real story: “This speed limiting technology already exists. The European Union is moving in this direction & the National Transportation Safety Board has recommended adopting the requirement nationally.”

This totalitarian globalist is now carrying water for the EU. That should freeze your insides.

California’s reality: We need Big Oil

“We have created a regulatory environment in California where it is nearly impossible to dig, drill, develop, mine, log, graze grow, or manufacture anything,” Ed Ring says at the Globe this week.

“Despite being a sunny, solar friendly state, with ample areas blessed with high wind, California still derives 50 percent of its total energy from crude oil. Another 34 percent comes from natural gas. This fossil fuel total for California energy, 84 percent, actually exceeds the world average for 2022, which – including coal – came in at 82 percent.”

As Ring reveals, “half the fuel Californians rely on to power their civilization comes from crude oil. And yet California’s state Legislature has declared war on oil, along with natural gas. And here, it gets even more interesting.”

Californians import 93 percent of their natural gas, and 76 percent of their crude oil.

Not only is California dependent on crude oil and natural gas to power the state, we should be drilling for it in oil/gas rich California.

“Since half of California’s energy comes from oil, it’s easy to quantify the impact if problems arise with the supply from any of these nations. More to the point, why aren’t we drilling here in California? Won’t our drilling practices be more environmentally responsible? And won’t it benefit the environment to not have dozens of oil tankers perpetually belching bunker fuel exhaust off the coast of Long Beach, and that only after they’ve belched their way across the Pacific Ocean?”

What will happen to California when the left succeeds in banning oil and natural gas? “What California’s policymakers have not come to terms with is we are importing nearly everything relating to energy production in California. Not just crude oil and natural gas, but wind turbines and blades, photovoltaic panels, and batteries. How is this considered sustainable?” Ring asks.

Here is how it happened and is continuing:

In June 2020 the California Air Resources Board (CARB) approved regulations to require automakers to sell more electric commercial trucks, with the ultimate goal of all new trucks sold in rather state to be zero-emission by 2045.

Under the new “advanced clean trucks” rule, the number of new zero emission electric trucks would increase each year beginning in 2024. By 2035, the zero emission rule has a target of 40% of tractor trailers, 55% of pickup trucks, and 75% of delivery vans. All government-owned trucks would also need to be electric by 2035.

Every car company in California will have to have an electric or hydrogen-powered option by 2024, with CARB currently aiming for net-zero emissions in California by 2050.

As California Globe has reported for several years, and has been covering since 2011:

  • In 2011, California passed the Renewables Portfolio Standard setting the mandate at 33 percent renewable energy by 2020.
  • When it became clear that California was nearly there, in 2015, the Legislature moved the bar again and passed SB 350 the “Clean Energy and Pollution Reduction Act of 2015.” SB 350 by Sen. President pro Tem Kevin de Leon (D-Los Angeles), requires the state to procure 50 percent of electricity from renewable energy and double energy efficiency savings by 2030.
  • In 2018, Gov. Jerry Brown signed Senate Bill 100, setting a 100 percent clean electricity goal for the state, and issued an executive order establishing a new target to achieve carbon neutrality – both by 2045.

Power outages and rolling blackouts are coming more frequently as California has taken nuclear power plants offline, and hydroelectric dams offline, while increasing renewables mandates for wind and solar.

Michael Shellengerger has been warning, “California’s bet on renewables, & its shunning of natural gas & nuclear, is directly responsible for the state’s blackouts and high electricity prices.”

And lastly, Assemblyman Issac Bryan (D-XX) introduced “a Green Amendment to the California Constitution that will affirm the right to clean air, water, and a healthy environment for every Californian.”

Stop The Energy Shutdown

A referendum has qualified for the 2024 ballot called “Stop The Energy Shutdown,” sponsored by California oil producers and energy workers.

The “Stop The Energy Shutdown” referendum was initiated in response to Senate Bill 1137, introduced by Sacramento politicians, and rushed just five days before the end of the 2022 legislative session. SB 1137 aimed to terminate domestic oil production, impacting approximately 15,500 oil wells and endangering the livelihoods of 55,000 Californians.

The rushed passage of SB 1137 did not include an assessment of its potential impacts on gas prices, local community revenues, the financial well-being of oil industry workers, or the environmental consequences of increased oil tanker traffic from the Middle East. There was no allowance for expert testimonies from impacted parties, engineers, or health experts who could have provided insights into California’s oil industry operations.

Lawmakers and the governor cheat when their agenda is threatened. They suspend their own “clean air” regulations when they want a new arena or development built. They jam really bad bills through the legislative process, bypassing public input and committee consultant analysis, making a mockery of the process. But they hold you to these regulations.

This must be stopped.

“From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs”

California is rich in natural resources which once powered the state: natural gas deposits in the Monterey Shale formation; geothermal energy, abundant rivers and waterways such as the San Joaquin River Delta and hydroelectric dams; the Pacific coastline; 85 million acres of wildlands with 17 million of those used as commercial timberland; mines and mineral resources, vast farming and agricultural lands, and hunting and fishing.

Southern California Edison, Pacific Gas & Electric and San Diego Gas & Electric filed a proposal in April 2023 to install a fixed-rate electric bill system for those under the three largest power companies in the state, the Globe reported. The real plan is to create income-based utility billing rather than utility bills based on electricity and gas consumption. The utility companies are now proposing income-based utility billing so that higher-income earners pay for more than they use, subsidizing the rates for lower income customers.

“From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs,” Karl Marx wrote in his Communist Manifesto. In a nutshell, Marx said productive, hard-working and successful people must sacrifice to less productive, and unproductive people.