Britton: The Right Stuff: What’s with MAGA?

On one side you have Biden and the Democrats promoting the nanny state—and government control over our thoughts and actions.

On the other side we have the MAGA movement.  It pronounces freedom, the Constitution and the law.

“MAGA carries a unifying and uplifting message for all those who love this country and what it really stands for.It embodies the same ideals that ignited hope and changed the world in 1776 – Liberty and Justice for all. MAGA supporters choose to live by the words in the Declaration of Independence and under the law of the Constitution of the United States. They’ll stand shoulder to shoulder with one another regardless of race, sex, or creed. They are not hyphenated Americans. They are one people, united – “e pluribus unum.”

Why do Democrats hate freedom?

The Right Stuff: What’s with MAGA?

The Right Stuff: Colleen Britton, Daily Republic,  1/31/24

The airways and media are filled with disparaging names for both Donald Trump and his supporters, the MAGA movement. 

President Trump has been called everything from a clown to a white supremacist, dictator and, even has been compared to Hitler, Mussolini, and Saddam Hussein.  His supporters have been labeled deplorables, racists, domestic terrorists, and … wait for it … evil, and Christian extremists.

Why do those four letters elicit such extreme responses? People either love or hate MAGA. Why? It’s not a cult, nor an idolization of Donald J. Trump’s personality. It’s something much more basic yet incredibly impactful.

MAGA is not complicated. It simply stands for Make America Great Again. That’s it – the idea in a nutshell, revitalize the vision of an America that lives up to the potential and the ideals our Founders fought for in the American Revolution – the ideals that are embedded in our U.S. Constitution and our Declaration of Independence – a land of liberty, prosperity, individual freedoms, equality, justice, and a land at peace. Remember those ideals? They made America great in the first place.

“We hold these truths to self-evident that all men are created equal, endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”

MAGA carries a unifying and uplifting message for all those who love this country and what it really stands for.It embodies the same ideals that ignited hope and changed the world in 1776 – Liberty and Justice for all. MAGA supporters choose to live by the words in the Declaration of Independence and under the law of the Constitution of the United States. They’ll stand shoulder to shoulder with one another regardless of race, sex, or creed. They are not hyphenated Americans. They are one people, united – “e pluribus unum.”

Who then opposes MAGA ideals? Democrats and those elites on the left who quietly despise our Constitution and see it as only an aged elastic guidebook.They seek more power and control over every aspect of our lives. Look what they’ve done so far.

For the past several years, Americans have experienced first-hand the oppressive, counterproductive policies of the progressive Biden Administration. Businesses continue to shutter, energy costs continue to sky-rocket due to their war on fossil fuels, and inflation continues to create increasing burdens on families and businesses.

Our schools have sacrificed academic excellence for choosing personal pronouns, cross-gender sports, oversexualizing children at an early age, and other social engineering programs. Anti-bullying policies quickly turned into censoring free speech and thought on campus and elsewhere. Their Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), Critical Race Theory (CRT), and other divisive woke policies have fostered tensions and division between races, co-workers, military, family members, and neighbors. Things can only get worse under these policies.

The United States no longer has secure borders. Since 2021 more than 8 million illegal immigrants have entered our country.Fentanyl and other illegal drugs continue to flow freely into the U.S. killing thousands annually with no end in sight.

Americans are tired of unelected bureaucrats telling them what to think, what to eat, what kind of car to drive, what kind of appliances to buy.They are fed up with parental rights being removed by the stroke of a pen.Americans are fed up with policies which embolden criminals at home and terrorists abroad with little or no accountability at all.

Make America Great Again is an idea whose time has come, and MAGA supporters see Donald Trump as the only leader who can make it happen.

As President Ronald Regan so beautifully stated, “We have come again to a time of choosing.”

Choose wisely.