Simi Valley Unified School District:  $487.5 in NEW Bonds/Ventura County Community Colleges–$1 BILLION in New Bonds

Simi Valley Unified School District:  $487.5 in NEW Bonds/Ventura County Community Colleges–$1 BILLION in New Bonds

Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  2/24/24

The Ventura County Community Colleges are requesting a ONE BILLION DOLLAR BOND.  On the Same November ballot, the Simi Valley Unified School District is going to ask for a $487.5 million bond.  This, even though in the past three years the district has LOST over 2,000 students.  In 2016 they had a bond of over $260 million—to do the same basic items they are now asking $487.5 million for.

The cost for the Simi bond is $60 per $100,000 of assessed valuation.  The cost of the Community College bond is also $60 per $100,000 of assessed valuation.

In Simi Valley, the average home is valued at over $400,000.  So almost $1.5 billion in bonds will cost each homeowner at least an added $720 a year in new property taxes.  Those are on fixed incomes will have to squeeze even more—and the added taxes will price more people out of homes.

This does not include the massive tax increases for commercial and business property—all of which will go into higher prices for customers—and some businesses will be forced to close.

This is happening all over the State.  Oh, who are the groups financing the pro-bond campaign?  Construction companies and unions.  Will have more on this soon.